View Full Version : emotional

11-20-2002, 04:00 PM
this is one of the most emotional songs tool has written, which makes sense that it would come off of lateralus. i wont post my entire review again, you can check that out at apathetic existence (http://www.apatheticexistence.com). this was just a sidenote to mention that this song is a very emotional one, with a very personal meaning for me, as well as many tool fans im sure. the fact that the speaker states that he would do anything at all possible to mend the relationship that is in question throughout lateralus shows desperation, pain and hope that he can bring a resolution to the troubled relationship. amazing song.

11-20-2002, 11:56 PM
Your comment about the theme of giving ones self to mend a relationship immeadeately aroused the thought of Jesus.
Jesus gave all of his energy, and eventually his life to invite humans to open up to the reality of God.
"God made (hu)man in (its) his image" says the story of creation in the bible. Thisalso brings up the theme of a reflection. Inscribed in the brain of one of the lower dimensions of the insert of lateralus is written the word god.
Dispostion might hint at all of the layers that we as humans functioning in the current social physical and mentally neurotic state of the world are predisposed with, or attached to. Layers which we must move through
our disposition leaving us as empowered as a raincloud to the aircurrent. the air current being the mentioning or reminding of this state of our being. The following tune "Reflection" might be a map or a testimony through these layers. A yearning to reach beyond ones "self indulgent pitiful hole"
Joeseph campbell said something interesting(as if he had said only one interesting thing) in regard to this theme of Jesus and mortality. (paraphrase) to contemplate the image of christ on the cross is to begin to phathom that this body this personality which we inhabit (our ego) is not the extent of our being.
This writer believes that this was Jesus' greatest teaching and act of realization. That in order to reach god or the higher power one must phathom the darkness which comes with this possesive 'I' and after seeing this one must begin to
"Let Go"- a reference to the grudge.
this is the work for which The appropriate Tools are needed
and this is the work of every mystic and person of the spiritual path

Let us give our thankful ness to the experiential manifestation of this TOOL in this generation. a slight current of momentum through the Darkness and may we pray,
A possibility of a
chance at reconciliation


11-21-2002, 11:22 AM
Let me just throw this out there. I have had connections with this song and Jesus as well, although nothing specific. But what is curious is that when Jesus finally died up there on the cross, the skies turned black for three days. This could also relate to Reflection "so crucify the ego, before it's far too late..."
Just a thought.

11-22-2002, 10:06 AM
The whole idea of the connection to Jesus becomes even more intense when you think of the relationship between God and Jesus. Its not just that the son of God is giving his life it is the fact that God and Jesus are the same being. That Jesus is simply the individualization of god...the flesh....the ego of God. And in this sacrifice he is shedding the ego and purging his selfishness, desires, and individual existence.

Most certainly the darkness that came after his death would have been the unknown...the loss of identity...the crisis....the first absence of a filter (control) and after a period of mourning for that loss there came the beauty and power and completeness.