View Full Version : Sounds At The Very Start

02-04-2003, 05:24 AM
I've always wondered what the sounds at the very start of Pushit are. Sort of sound like a cross between whale noises and the buzzing of flies. Could have some relevance to the song or could just be a cool intro. Either way, does anyone have any ideas on what they are, or at least, how they are created?

02-04-2003, 05:44 AM
Hello friend,

After buying into Sigur Ros, per everyone's recomendation in these threads, I'm fairly sure this noise you speak of is created either on a violin, or on a guitar with a bow rapidly moving across the strings. I tried it on my guitar, and got the idea, but if I had to guess, it's a violin, or some other stringed instrument closely related.

02-04-2003, 12:22 PM
It sounds like feedback delayed like at the begining of sober to me.

02-10-2003, 04:22 AM
Definitely could be a bow across strings. I can hear some delayed feedback too. Maybe both. Thanks.