View Full Version : An opinion of H...

11-20-2002, 03:28 PM
H. being one of the most emotional songs I know in existance, I attempted to intrepret it into a very personal direction. I'm not going to divide it line by line, as i've seen in the past, because i believe the song should be viewed as a whole, and not any particular lyric should be given more appreciation than another.

The opening, distorted bass line cries for it's own. The powerful, dark riff sets a very dark and meaningful tone to be carried for the rest of the song. Ensuing the black bass, the quiet guitar melody and emotional vocals enter with pure passion. As Maynard enters with an apparent dilemna at had, you begin to wonder what the metaphors (mirrors, snakes, wine...) all mean. I feel somewhat apologetic, feeling a passionate sympathy for the person who seems to be at a crossroad. Maybe the snake represents someone trying to help the person the best they can, but the help may not be what is needed. Yet the person assisting is someone very close, while still tearing away at the person being "tempted, bled, left cracked and dragged down like gravity"

We see anger seep through, as the building music rises into a repetition of the bassline, which i believe shows a sort of lashing out, and the ensuing slower, darker part is wishing things were restored. You can feel a person's thoughts just through the plot of the music itself, the words only clarify.

As we progress into a climax, a time of remembrance and a time of regrets, I realized he (the person in a decisive position) has made a decision, and exits with a sour yet "happy is done" feel, glad to be finally freed the person he loved, yet was bringing him down all along.

thank you.