View Full Version : Communication within the band

02-02-2003, 01:36 PM
I've always seen The Patient as a song about communication problems within the band. I also think it relates to Maynard forming A Perfect Circle. The groan of tedium comes from being in Tool for so long and possibly feeling confined in a style (i.e. the very emotional/personal lyrics of APC would never work for Tool) and needing to break out of the same
routine. Also, have you ever noticed that Maynard especially at earlier Tool shows resembles a paranoid, paralized vampire with the way he stares and dances? Now the fearful in this situation would be the other members of Tool, he expresses feelings of wanting to branch out from Tool and it startles everyone else thinking it may be over for the band we all love. He seems to explain his feelings on this matter in The Patient to both his band and their fans. He wants to get the point across that he's still right here. The underlying motif in Lateralus is communication, and in this song he could possibly be communicating his deepest feelings about Tool to everyone on the inside and out. Anyway that's my 2 cents, I'd love to see a discussion of this theory in here.


02-09-2003, 12:01 AM
Check out my reply under the thread "Relating to the music industry?" I hope you find it interesting. Please post a reply if you feel so inclined.

02-16-2003, 06:01 PM
Nice thought. All of the members have their little side project things, though. Maybe the song is talking about the whole band?