View Full Version : The Weather !

01-30-2003, 08:50 AM
i have always been amazed by how due to one entry of info in ur mind...ur whole ideas and opinions of life or anything else change!...this song toks about that!...he says mention this to me!mention something..mention anything!and watch the weather change!....the point is that his mind is open to all ideas and as anyone gives him a clue or an idea!...everything he believed changes!..nonetheless this song is xtremely soothing!...i feel so relaxed when i hear this song!....

02-28-2003, 09:18 PM
thats a good point, and COULD be what the song is about, but it could also be about 5 million other things too. we can only guess, but will never know for sure until we die and jesus christ gives us the answers on a big gold plate that says (Made In Korea)

woopty dooo!!! i'm gonna kill myself

03-19-2003, 08:54 AM
i hope u r weren't choking up on drugz when u posted this!

03-19-2003, 10:35 AM
Kinda like the movie Dark City. Although it could have been a better movie, the point was great. We are in an illusion and if we realize it we can manifest our thoughts into reality. Thats what happens in the fourth dimension. It also happens here in the third, but there is an obvious lag time due to our not understanding the power of fear and love. In the fourth it is manifested instantly.

03-22-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by paraflux
Kinda like the movie Dark City. Although it could have been a better movie, the point was great. We are in an illusion and if we realize it we can manifest our thoughts into reality. Thats what happens in the fourth dimension. It also happens here in the third, but there is an obvious lag time due to our not understanding the power of fear and love. In the fourth it is manifested instantly.

What's this fourth dimension stuff? Sounds interesting, care to tell more?

04-02-2003, 08:46 PM
The fourth dimension is time.

04-13-2003, 06:43 PM
Back on Topic. Disturbed I agree to a point. Anything we ever see and hear and do impresses upon us, altering our whole base of experience. I believe Disposition is the beginning of this, where you understand that everything inputted alters you. Reflection there on is the realization that you are a result of this, and Triad is the cleanse back to disposition. Hence why they go together.

To sum it up, disposition feels like a human as a blank sheet of paper, and everything experienced is the "ink".