View Full Version : forgetfulness

01-29-2003, 01:34 AM
its inherently human. the inability to conceptualize more than we presently know...or more than is written. the ability to grow numb to things we should marvel at (for example, space travel?) we forget everything that had to happen, all the people that had to face all kinds of strife and prejudice, just to move us all one step closer to understanding.

if you seriously sit and observe your surroundings long enough, think about all that went into each object you see, the moment mounting into realization that the accomplishments and sacrifices of all these people, was all for us ALL. we have all moved ahead because of them, and while we still could use some work, were getting there.

this awareness, this ability to utilize and come to understand, in THIS sense is strictly human. the wonder...of being a human. many people seem to take life as a burden, slander it...but we are the only kind with such abilities (at least...in close contact with each other), to share ideas, describe amazing events so others can share in them, create art to be enjoyed...its all good to be alive and human, no matter what the world might have you believe.