View Full Version : Thoughts

01-25-2003, 10:14 PM
I think that we have come to a consensus that this song is about a fight between two people... not necessairly of opposite sexes, though the video might have us thinking otherwise..
I like Harlot of 'God' 's interpretation, where this song is only about the one person thinking about what was and what coulda been and to go further wit that idea....perhaps the part about "lovers/brothers" is that person, upon jumping to a totally different thought as our minds often do, realizing that all this is just like our situation in the outside world (etc US vs Middle East or the Communist countries)
I say that cause in an interview between Revolver Mag wit Maynard he said that it was quite (dunno or remember the right word) surprised about how the post-9/11 thing corralated wit the line "It doesn't mean I don't desire to point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over"