View Full Version : a few sketches

01-24-2003, 02:57 PM
Here are some sketches that I made in my spare time. They're not beautiful, but they have some cool forms that make them very interesting.

Hierarchical Eclipse


Frustrated Sage

I'd like to get some feedback, so say something will you.

01-24-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by psilomind

I'd like to get some feedback, so say something will you.

Eh...truthfully? A bit...hackneyed...considering. I don't know, I don't make nearly as many drawings as I used to, so it's not like I could upload anything on here, but ...I don't know...

I mean to say, I see all these TOOL influenced things, and they always involve similar symbolism...and perhaps it would be better to think more 'outside of the box' with metaphors and less common allusions (third eye, tesseracts...etc...)

But who am I to tell you what to do? Be yourself, I suppose.
If you're doing that already...then I respect that.

02-01-2003, 05:44 AM
I agree in part with what Valkyrie is saying.

But i like the images, they could be developed a bit more, but i like the concepts.

They are toolesque (?) but at least they're not blatant rip offs like some people on this site.

Keep up the good work!
