View Full Version : My interpretation of "46 and 2"

John Holland
07-22-2004, 11:53 AM
This is my first post on the Tool Shed forum. So more experienced posters who may have concured upon a deeper/more coherent meaning to this song, don't berate me too harshly.

"46 and 2'" is what I believe to be a direct reference to genomial architecture, and Carl Jung's 'collective unconscious' postulis. The two concepts have been merged to create a celebratory ode to our evolutionary path.

Here's in short form , the genome componet of the song : Remember learning about Gregor Mendel in junior high school? You possibly recall the study of human genes. ( A meta-philosopher named Drunvalo Melchizedek has given the following theory its prominence , if I am not mistaken. )

Humans, in the olden days of the world, had a complex of 42 & 2 chromosomes ( there are still some Aboriginee/African tribes that share this state ). Their beliefs moved from primitive animism to poly/monotheism ( we had achieved the transition simultaneously as a whole conglomerate. evidence of a Collective Unconscious, anyone? ). We, currently, are in 44 & 2. Everything is in disarray, and humanity has thrown itself into postmodernist and discordian ideals, we as a race are killing ourselves. In theory, this is because we are evolving, and we will reach the 'next step' once we evolve to 46 & 2, acquiring an extra two chromosomes.

"Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what I've been clinging to. 46 and 2 ahead of me"

This evolving to 46 & 2 will be a welcome return to the states that we were in before Logic and Awareness of Individual Self had descended upon the psyche of the Collective Unconcious. In short form, we will remember the way we used to be, and our "Shadow" ( once again, Carl Jung, whom Maynard seems fond of ), which is purported to be our true self, upon which layers of superficiality are imposed upon, such as sexual preference, masculine or feminine characteristics, emotional attachment to parents, ambition ( if anyone is a better reader of Jung than I, then correct me ). the "skin" our shadow is shedding is our name, our social security number, our dependance on our government, etc.

"46 & 2" also seems like a 'call to arms' for us to initiate our evolution, since, in theory, it will be a byproduct of the evolving of our thinking.

07-28-2004, 03:24 PM
it also coulda been the cross streets to where the band played their first gig

07-28-2004, 03:26 PM
just kiddin i think your pretty much right

John Holland
07-29-2004, 01:42 AM
haha. if it turns out to be about their first gig I'd be quite deflated.

shi wei hsi ming
07-29-2004, 10:15 AM
Wait...there are aboriginal tribes that have 42 & 2? Can this be verified? I would really like to read up on it.

Your explanation is sound. I'm glad you picked up on the 'call to arms.'

Fantastic post.

John Holland
07-29-2004, 12:35 PM
I'm glad that you liked it shi wei.

Search Drunvalo Melchizedek on Google.

shi wei hsi ming
07-29-2004, 12:45 PM
I will check him out. Thanks.

...And don't let them scare you off. I want more posts like this.

forth eye
08-08-2004, 06:19 AM
good post. thanks i will check it out also

08-08-2004, 12:01 PM
You are indeed the man, I've often wondered about that song, but didn't know where to start, thank you.

But just to varify it for myself (and partly to brag at my friends), do you know where I could withdraw some info?

08-10-2004, 09:35 PM
Jungian theory:). Tell me when you think we'll have 46 chromosones? I have a live video of 46 and two and on the screen behind maynard there is a person trying to break through the layer of skin he's trapped behind. He's trying to advance to 46&2.
Ok ok. that made no sence. Heres a quick explanation:

Most humans on Earth today have 44 chromosones except for a lot of 3rd world countries that have 42 chromosones.

46&2 Shapes Ænima and the entire look of the album. The word 'AENIMA' is the vajra shadow around us that contains everything we hate and don't like. There are grids on the Earth (Jung) ...well just read the FAQ for that part. Anyway, in order to advance to the next level of human (46 Chromosones) evolution , we must break through our shadow (ænima) in order to get there. That why this guy on the screens behind Maynard was trying to break out of there....trying to "soften this old armor...hoping I can clear away by stepping through my shadow. Coming out the other side. 46&2 are ahead of me). The lyrics say it right there!.
lol go listen to the song some more for people who don't know. :)

08-11-2004, 11:58 AM
Hi, i really enjoyed reading your post. I just finished reading a book called "Bringers of the dawn" by Barbara Marciniak. I couldnt help but to link the insight i got after reading that book, listening to 46 and 2 last week while in a very altered state of mind and your post.

I think you would highly enjoy the book and it would serve the continuation of the path you and i, as individuals but also as a collective unitarian mind are in.

Not sure if that made any sense, but trust me on this one... read the book. It talks about genetic manipulation at a cosmic level. This manipulation has manifested itself on our dna strands. Currently we operate based on a double helix dna strand. Initially, before this manipulation took place we had 12 strands of dna. (Ever heard the phrase that humans only use 2% of their brain? It is true.This genetic manipulation is why.) The genetic manipulation put a lock, so to speak on our ability to access information within us. They "unplugged" the other 10 strands and left us with only 2. This allowed the ones in charge of the manipuilation to take control over us. Knowledge is power. If you have knowledge, its hard for the media, the government and all the other systems that constrain us to keep us in a state of fear. Therefore, we dont fall victims of the massive explotation that is going on on our planet. We release the need to depend on a shitty government, we release the need of searching for answers outside of ourselves, and we attain a state of mind that makes it possible for us to take the time to see, realize, figure out how is it that we are all one..."We are all one counscioness experiencing itself subjectively.

Someone who is opening her third eye.

This is my first post on the Tool Shed forum. So more experienced posters who may have concured upon a deeper/more coherent meaning to this song, don't berate me too harshly.

"46 and 2'" is what I believe to be a direct reference to genomial architecture, and Carl Jung's 'collective unconscious' postulis. The two concepts have been merged to create a celebratory ode to our evolutionary path.

Here's in short form , the genome componet of the song : Remember learning about Gregor Mendel in junior high school? You possibly recall the study of human genes. ( A meta-philosopher named Drunvalo Melchizedek has given the following theory its prominence , if I am not mistaken. )

Humans, in the olden days of the world, had a complex of 42 & 2 chromosomes ( there are still some Aboriginee/African tribes that share this state ). Their beliefs moved from primitive animism to poly/monotheism ( we had achieved the transition simultaneously as a whole conglomerate. evidence of a Collective Unconscious, anyone? ). We, currently, are in 44 & 2. Everything is in disarray, and humanity has thrown itself into postmodernist and discordian ideals, we as a race are killing ourselves. In theory, this is because we are evolving, and we will reach the 'next step' once we evolve to 46 & 2, acquiring an extra two chromosomes.

"Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what I've been clinging to. 46 and 2 ahead of me"

This evolving to 46 & 2 will be a welcome return to the states that we were in before Logic and Awareness of Individual Self had descended upon the psyche of the Collective Unconcious. In short form, we will remember the way we used to be, and our "Shadow" ( once again, Carl Jung, whom Maynard seems fond of ), which is purported to be our true self, upon which layers of superficiality are imposed upon, such as sexual preference, masculine or feminine characteristics, emotional attachment to parents, ambition ( if anyone is a better reader of Jung than I, then correct me ). the "skin" our shadow is shedding is our name, our social security number, our dependance on our government, etc.

"46 & 2" also seems like a 'call to arms' for us to initiate our evolution, since, in theory, it will be a byproduct of the evolving of our thinking.