View Full Version : A vicious, completely natural cycle

Seven Deep
11-19-2002, 10:44 PM
What I really get out of this bit is simply an image of life's necessities stomping along, Any given being taking what it needs from the next rung down on the 'food chain' In this case you have the personification of the vegetables fears of rabbits......beasts to a carrot....cute >and tasty> to humans....maybe for humour...maybe just to illustrate that this cycle occurs in every living thing......chaos ensues as the plants are consumed and become a part of the animal....leaving instinct and sometimes...greed, to march on to the next consumption. alien of human. Leaving you on the side of the road, confused, and disoriented to face your own needless desires.

11-23-2002, 11:48 AM
i would have to agree but i think there is a deeper meaning to the lyrics than a simple cycle. i think this song is a wake up call to all the narrowminded people in the world who are set in their way and refuse to see anything from someone elses point of view. it also shows how in society we dismiss others as inferior to ourselves, be it animals or another race. it shows we are all one entity, no matter what we deem ourselves as, we are all the same, all living things are the same, just different outlets of being. it tells how it is wrong to discriminate against one type of killing, e.g vegetarians, they are taking life no matter how they live but deem it as ok because they justify it to themselves that plants are inferior to themselves.
the second part of the song tells the listener that although we are one, death is necesary for the survival of the living. it mocks the ideals held by vegetarians that it is wrong to eat animals but ok to kill plants.
for me the last part after the 8 min of crickets,changes tone as it speaks from a differnt point of view (hence it was a phone message) but it speaks more about the evil doings of humans as a flaw in our design, the part about god and satan shows how a creature modelled in gods image can turn to be the symbol of everything evil, it shows how humans choose to be evil and target vulnerable minorities. if it be in buisiness or through acts of violence, evryone takes advantage of others to furfill their own needs.