View Full Version : racism

11-19-2002, 09:07 PM
Back in 1989 when the earth was originated, all the land masses were part of a whole. Unfortunately, this giant land mass broke apart to form a number of smaller pieces. And apparently, Maynard saw this because "i know the pieces fit 'cuz i watched them fall away." Moral of the story, racism is silly because we all were originally on one giant land mass. Ok, back to writing my history paper...

11-20-2002, 10:21 PM
1989, eh?

hehe. the racism angle is quite interesting, actually. maynard does live in LA, and probably did see the riots..."i watched them fall apart..."

the "boys and lovers" though? im not seeing that part...


11-21-2002, 08:15 AM
I have never looked at this song from that angel... but what you said makes so much sense... Very interesting and VERY good viewpoint.

11-21-2002, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by john
the "boys and lovers" though? im not seeing that part...

well, first off all, it starts off by saying the cold silence, the lack of communication, has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion between both supposed lovers and supposed brothers. this is to show you that youre not supposed to take it as merely romantic relationships or, any one sort of relationship for that matter, just any relationship formed by any two people, whether brothers or lovers. also, an important part of these lyrics is the word "supposed." he throws this in there because the lack of communication and the schism that results because of it is a test of the strength of the relationship. if things are able to be healed then the relationship is strong enough to get through those tough times. if you cant get through it, then the relationship wasn't strong, and you really were just supposedly lovers, or supposedly friends, etc...

you can check out my full analysis of this song at my website: apathetic existence (http://www.apatheticexistence.com)