View Full Version : internal merkaba

01-10-2003, 03:53 AM
Nobody seems to be talking about what merkaba is and how it relates to the song. I think it's interesting that the song would carry such a title, and I find that it enhances the effect of the song.

If I remember correctly, the merkaba is a space-time vehicle built into our bodies that could be activated over time using certain methods of meditation. The meditation calls for visualization of the tetrahedronal (I'm not sure this is the correct shape, it's described as looking like a 3D Star of David) energy forces; first the male, then the female. We are to envision our chakras activated and the subsequent accumulation of energy into a ball of light situated around the tailbone. I'm going to stop here, because I really don't remember that process, and I'm not gonna waste anyone's time (too late, huh?) You can find this method described step by step in Bob Frissell's "Nothing in this Book is True....But It's Exactly How Things Are."

The point being that the song feels like what we'd hear during the activation of our internal merkabas. Which would be quite the event, I would say. All of our customary modes of transportation (external merkabas: cars, planes) would be rendered obsolete. Not to mention that space travel would be similar to what is depicted in K-PAX.

So keep those eyes peeled for the paradigm shift in the consciousness of man. Whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant, it's just something the boys from tool toss at us so we can chew on something new.

01-15-2003, 07:44 PM
I just started reading "Nothing in this book is true, but it's exactly things are." It's a very interesting book, with a lot of ideas that seem pretty far out, until you really start to think about it. Anyway, when I got to the part where he explains Merkaba, I remembered, Tool has a song called Merkaba! I put it on and listened to it right after reading the section on Merkabas in the book. The song is very good, I love the sound. I checked the lyrics page, but according to this site there are no lyrics for Merkaba, yet, I can clearly hear Maynard singing something. If anyone knows what the deal is with that, lemme know.

01-20-2003, 11:17 AM
I think those are samples you hear.

..some kind of psychadelic experience.

Our body is light, we are immortal.
Our body is love, we are eternal.

Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, non-judging?

02-16-2003, 11:49 PM
its actually "without judgement", not non-judging

also, with the psychadelic experience part, it switches between
ITS some kind of psychadelic experience
IN some kind of psychadelic experience
and a few more i think.... not really important, but hey

03-03-2003, 01:44 AM
Its funny that out of all the Tool songs I've been looking into that one with no words has yeilded the most volumous and bizare information.

According to some of what I've read the merkaba is ready when the you have focused the lights into a formation spinning at the speed of light.

The huge, oscilating guitar pitch buildup that begins around 5:55 and again at 7:02ish reminds me of that. Even when I first heard it made me think of aircraf engines winding up.

03-11-2003, 12:11 PM
Having some kind of psychadelic experience,

Also I think it switches between Beond judgement and without.