View Full Version : Relating to the music industry?

01-05-2003, 12:11 AM
Okay, this is a different theory on what The patient is about, its is probably way off, but I think its kinda interesting.

I think that this song may relate to the music industry, how making the music they make and keeping up their standards, and their tough stance when it comes to publicity, is tiresome, but they are going to be patient, and keep reminding themselves of the rewards to reap [inspiring people and so forth]

"Is this a test? It has to be, Otherwise I can't go on. Draining patience, drain vitality."

- All the shit that they have to put up with, the media, their record company, must be just a test, something to see if they can survive it without compromising themselves. If it wasn't a test they would just give up because it drains them mentally.

"This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old."
- Maybe relates to some of those bands out there that rely on their image [Maralyn Manson, for example].

"But I'm still right here, Giving blood, keeping faith, And I'm still right here."

- But despite this, they are still doing what they do, giving their best, keeping their stance

"If there were no rewards to reap."

- Money? Probably not, I think this means inspiring people and stuff like that.

"No loving embrace to see me through"

- The fans?

"This tedious path I've chosen here, I certainly would've walked away by now. Gonna wait it out."

- They would have quit by now if it wasn't for the fans, and the fact that the want to inspire people to do greater things?

"If there were no desire to heal The damaged and broken met along This tedious path I've chosen here I certainly would've walked away by now."

- They want to "heal" all the damage done to the music industry by people who aren't in it for the music, people like Britney Spears etc...

"And I still may ... (sigh) ... I still may."

- They still may quit. The sigh either represents them being tired, wanting to resign sometimes [most likely, I think].., or the fact that they don't want to quit but may be forced to?

"Be patient. I must keep reminding myself of this."

- They must keep reminding themselves of the reasons that they are doing this for.

Anyway, hope this is something that you all can think about, and possibly expand on my thoughts, which are probably mostly wrong.

I also think that The Patient is related directly to Tick and Leeches, T&L being directed at the people who make them want to "walk away", the people who suck them dry.

Also, am I the only one who has been having trouble accessing these forums over tha last 4 days or so? :/

01-07-2003, 05:29 PM
i think the patient is about being patient in life. hence the "be patient" and "gonna wait it out". i think he's just analyzing his life and showing that everyone's road in life is long and drawn out. "if there were not rewards to reap...no loving embrace to see me through this tedious path i've chosen here, i certainly would've walked away by now..."

01-08-2003, 06:46 PM
"This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old."
- Maybe relates to some of those bands out there that rely on their image [Maralyn Manson, for example].

I think he's just referring to the "giving blood" bit - putting effort into something with no reward - not necessarily literally a vampire or vampire acting.

The rest could be right though, who knows what he had specifically in mind (if at all) when he wrote the lyrics.

01-22-2003, 11:09 AM
I agree with Misanthrope. When I was at the 9/9/01 show in Chicago, Maynard mentioned how the "suits" or record industry business men were vampires trying to suck the life out of the creatvie people and he said they can all go eat a bag of big salty dicks.

01-22-2003, 08:05 PM
and it was right before they played The Patient

Jack Handy
01-31-2003, 12:33 PM
i agree, at a concert in boulder Maynard mentioned the record company before this song and talked about doing what you wany or something. the way i see it though is that the loving embrace is also his fellow band mates. He is thinking about leaving the music industry, but instead he is patient and sticks to it, but at the same time he still may leave at any time.

02-08-2003, 12:36 PM
I think it is on a more personal level than the music industry itself, it is more about their record label. I agree with Misanthrope, but like I said on a more personal level.
Oh yeah and the first two lines
"A groan of tedium escapes me
Startling the fearful"
-The groan is from the frustration that they went through and the fearful could be the fans fearing that he will quit

02-08-2003, 11:56 PM
I think your interpretation of The Patient may be a little thin. While we will probably never know exactly what this song is about, I think I have a pretty good idea. Let me know what you think. What I think this song, and the album as a whole are about is ascention, and wanting to ascend now. There must be something more to life than everyday tedium and I'm tired of waiting for the big payoff, I want it now. I would have given up already were it not for the little things that keep me going. By the end of Parabol/Parabola, we come to the realization that life itself is the journey toward ascention and is just as important and grand as heaven itself. The trick is that life is what you make of it. You must be aware, you must watch out for the random and grab on to the spiral and let it swing you wherever it will. You mustn't fear the unknown and allow yourself to become comfortable with the norm. You must also be able to find pleasure in and appreciate the simple things in life, like watching the weather change. One theme that runs deeply through Tool's music: Think for yourself. Explore. Expand your mind. Another prominent theme is tedium, or boredom. Take Stinkfist, for example: "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to." Lateralus- the whole album's theme is tedium: moving sideways, or laterally, instead of forward. Schism is about just holding it together. When you scramble to hold it together you can't possibly be moving forward. In The Grudge, you must give away the stone or be dragged down with it. By the end of the album, it has become clear that life is worth living after all and that we must embrace whatever it brings and make the best of it. I would almost go so far as to call Lateralus a concept album. While it doesn't necessarily have the running narrative of a traditional concept album, the songs are all held tightly by the underlying theme. What do you all think? Am I on to something here or way off?

02-16-2003, 06:08 PM
I it "vampire act's a litte old," or "vampire acts a little old." It could chnge a lot of things for such a small line.

Keep that in mind at all times, thank you...

06-15-2006, 02:07 PM
this song is about condoms from the point of view of maynard's dick, imo.