View Full Version : Patterns & Their Influences on Consciousness

03-05-2004, 05:47 PM
$^7@ and mEDITATION

Recently, I started meditating on 46 and 2, and within that, I experienced things you wouldn't imagine, but that's another story and another thread. I will post that sometime in the near future. But, I realized something. Within meditation, may it be on my own, or during Tai Chi or Yoga exercises, my only medium that keeps the heat of my holy moment at lukewarm, is the steady, perpetual rhythm of my breath...inhale...exhale. Perhaps, it is these natural, inate sorts of patterns that keep our minds conscious, and thus keeping us "alive." It is true, I think, that the thing that makes us able to function is our ability to pick up on patterns, subconsciously, and to be able to predict what shall happen...even if it seems to be most remotely mundane, like, I know that if I press my fingers to these keys, words will be produced onto the monitor. It's a pattern I've picked up on, subconsciously. Anyways, perhaps it is the steady pattern of our breath that keeps us sane,... I think, also, beyond its scientific functions and purposes, our heart beat could be a basis on how we percieve time, for as we get more excited, our heartbeat increases, making the seconds seem to fly by. Yes, it is these most elementary patterns of the body's functions that keeps us on one singular conscious plane, and alive: pulse, inhale/exhale, heartbeat, digestion/excretion, ejaculation and birth, etc, etc, etc....The actual miracle of life, being sexual reproduction, is itself a pattern....If life is so minute, that we depend on monotony to exist, how much more inconcieveable depths and metaphysical levels must death be? I already feel its intensity when I dream during sleep, and during sleep these rhythms slow, yet become more steady to keep me alive, but we also become paralysed, only moving in muscle twitches.

Just an idea...pretty out-there, I do not believe in it, I agree with it...I dont believe in anything....i do not believe in beliefs...i kno thats an oxymoron...anyways, yea im sure some of u can find some counter-arguement to prove me wrong, so do what u will...i just concieved the thought, and i thought it would be interesting to share with u all, even tho it has little to do with Tool...it's attractive to the crowd....