View Full Version : Voice your god

02-16-2004, 10:07 AM
check out http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/enoch1.txt

it is an enochian dictionary..

you 'll find this:

DE: your 14

i thought that the phrase faaip de oiad in enochian might also mean:

"Voice your god" something like give voice to your god..

which gives to a song a completely different message (ironic also)

i don't know almost anything about enochian so any help..


Ghost of Starman
02-16-2004, 02:14 PM
I think it means voice of your god.

forth eye
08-06-2004, 02:26 PM
i always thought it meant voice of your god but umbilicalchemist's idea would give it a different slant which is interesting but most people agree that it is voice of your god but as the phrase goes - fools seldom differ (is that right lol?)...

09-01-2004, 09:51 PM
it means Voice of God... (all one mind) u are god too... but if taken seriousely and researched.... you will find Tool didn't make this recording, they added the drums and stuff, but the voice and distortion are authentic recordings of a call made to a radio station simultaniousely with 3 sattelite blackouts and a power outtage. wierd dont u think?

09-03-2004, 11:34 PM
Yes, exactly, and I hear those blackouts stopped the recording, where you hear the song cut out, afterwards the radio-station director heard the man's neck being snapped and a voice say " please disregard everything you have just heard" but this is just speculation, although this account is real as described by the staff.

Cyanide ChrYst
09-05-2004, 11:31 PM
Apparently it was on Art Bell. And the guy called back just afterward, saying it was a hoax.

But that makes me wonder if the FBI had a chainsaw pressed to his neck when he called back.

09-08-2004, 11:54 AM
how long after did he call back?

because if it was longer than a day, it was probably just the govt
making it seem like a hoax ! ! !

damned nazis >.<

09-09-2004, 12:39 PM
I, I don't have a whole lot of time. Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51. I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... {chokes} I've kind of been running across the country. Um, um, Damn, I don't know where to start, they're, they're gonna, um, they'll triangulate on this position really really soon. OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as, as aliens, uh, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. Uh, they've infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51. The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now. They are not! They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable.-

Yeah ok, aliens took over a bunch of military establishments but noone witnessed that. Lets face it, it's fun to believe in it but it wasn't true.

Cyanide ChrYst
09-09-2004, 02:40 PM
"infiltrated a lot of aspects" doesnt mean literal infiltration, chucko. They're talking about knowledge here.

09-09-2004, 04:57 PM

i smell conspiracy!

Cyanide ChrYst
09-17-2004, 08:58 AM
I havent even read anything in this entire post, but I think it all makes perfect sense!! :) :) :) !!!11!

09-29-2004, 06:00 PM
Yeah ok, aliens took over a bunch of military establishments but noone witnessed that. Lets face it, it's fun to believe in it but it wasn't true.

Like chryst said, it is knowledge. If the supposed extra-dimensional beings happened to be real, they would have pretense to a fourth dimension meaning that their physical appearance would be beyond our concievable minds. But ya, it is fun to think about.

As far as the person calling back saying it was a hoax... that still dosn't explain the power outages, and satellite dropouts!