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02-10-2004, 04:30 PM
46:2 · This structure is often used as a Roman numeral for 2.
It is also the most common of the graphs for the sign Gemini, or the Twins. In ancient Greece this zodiac sign was drawn , and around the year 1500, was used. Today, is one common variation.
The sign of Gemini is that part of the ecliptic that the sun, , enters around May 21 and exits around June 21, at the midsummer equinox. But like all the zodiac signs it also signifies that period of the solar year when the sun moves through this part of the ecliptic.
The sign of Gemini (Latin for twins), , together with Libra, , and Aquarius, , belongs to the astrological element of air, represented by the sign . According to astrological psychology those with many planets in signs of the air element are characterized by perceiving the world around them primarily in terms of their thoughts, ideas, intellects. This means that such individuals fit their perceptions and experiences into a pre-existing framework of ideas. The framework can be based on what the person has learned from books, teachings, or conversations, or it may have been slowly and painstakingly built up by his or her own mental processing of experiences. Whichever the case, the existence of this framework is important in that the person strongly influenced by the air element will show a tendency to always search for a logical pattern in his or her experiences, a pattern that fits in with the pre-existing structure of ideas. In astrology the opposite of the element of air is not the earth element, as in alchemy, but water, an astrological symbol for the emotions. It is the emotional component of the airy individual's psychology that is sometimes less than well developed. The two ways ( and in astrological symbolism) of experiencing life often exclude each other. Persons dominated by the element of emotions,, often perceive and experience the world in a totally subjective, even illogical way, and at an intimate level. Persons dominated by the element of thought, , often are unbiased and detached, sometimes so much so that they seem impersonal.
Individuals born in air signs are characterized by a highly developed intellect; an ability to be objective; a love of culture, civilization, and refinement; and an appreciation for and maintaining of principles. The air types often show a fear of being enclosed or caught in deeper emotional relationships (or in fact any relationship). Gemini types detest when people come to them with emotional demands and hate being "owned" by someone, more so than other signs.
Ability to change and adaptability are keywords for individuals with many planets in . The sign of Gemini belongs to the mutable quality, symbolized by . Look up in Group 30 for facts about the astrological qualities or quadruplicities.
Mercury, , is the ruling planet for , Gemini, being the lord of thought, trade, and communication. The planet Saturn, , a symbol for stability, structure, discipline, and inhibition, is considered to be well placed in , whereas Jupiter, , the symbol for expansiveness, is considered not to have enough scope in Gemini.
The graphic symbol for Gemini, , represents the dualism that intellectual activity implies, i.e. the creation of a subject that perceives or conceptualizes and an object that is perceived or transformed into a concept out of the primary, undivided world or field of experience.
On the positive side, the two pillars of also represent two terminals in the world and therefore symbolize exchange. A keyword for , apart from those already given, is ideas and the communication of them. Another keyword is trade, i.e. material products and the transporting and exchange of them.
Anatomically the sign of Gemini rules the hands and the arms.
In mundane astrology is considered to rule, among others, the United States and Belgium. Such cities as London and San Francisco are Gemini cities.
In that part of esoteric astrology in which the signs of the zodiac represent stages in the development of humankind, the first, , represents the discovery of the land, and the second, , the cultivation of it. Next, , symbolizes communication with individuals and groups so that the best ideas or other products produced by the different individuals can be exchanged for others, for the benefit of everyone involved.
In alchemy was used for the process of fixation (see the section "The signs of the alchemists" in Part III). Fixation was also drawn .