View Full Version : Auntie Blue?

12-19-2002, 06:18 AM
Maynard loves for people to dig deep within their minds and interpret how they will. He does this without the fear of what others think of him because he knows where he stands in his life. Do you know where you stand in yours? “Overanalyzing” doesn’t hurt, it only broadens the mind, our communication.
This is NOT my interpretation of this, only a window. Go ahead and “overanalyze.” “DO WHAT THOU WILT” Edward Alexander Aleister Crowley (1875-1947).
I’m not saying that I think Maynard is “gay” UNLESS, in this case, gay is meaning:
1. adj. (16th century England theatrical) young man or boy wearing the costume of a woman in a play.
C.U.N.T. is a good interpretation of auntie; it could also mean:
1. an older or middle aged gay man.
2. old male prostitute. Synonyms: aging actress; aunt Mame; aunt Mathilda; chin-strap; wheelchair set.
3. A derogatory term for a middle-age or elderly gay man, especially of an effeminate and gossipy nature.. Synonyms: toad; troll.
4. likable older gay male, not necessarily effeminate
How about that “blue” man for a thought?
--a reference to the notion that all homophobia would end if everyone who was gay or bisexual would turn blue (or wear a blue dot on their forehead) for just one day. This idea is discussed in the short story "Am I Blue?" by Bruce Coville… Musician Tori Amos (one of Maynard’s closest friends) also used this reference in the song "Hey Jupiter" on Boys for Pele when she asked, "So are you gay? Are you blue?"

Could this be what Maynard’s trying to get at? Probably not; he’s most likely just trying to work your mind. You already want the work otherwise you wouldn’t be here; he’s just assigning it to you.

(REFERENCE: http://www.hurricane.net/~wizard/dict_frame.html -- ROBERT SCOTT'S GAY SLANG DICTIONARY)