View Full Version : consciousness

12-23-2003, 09:08 PM
to me this song is most specifically about meditation, trying to experience some sort of altered state of consciousness. try and stay with me on this... the only way it works for my explanation is to imagine the shape of a parabola, only one that opens downwards. so when the song begins you're at the bottom. to me that represents the physical world, the reality we're experiencing now. the music of parabol begins quietly, because in order to experience a meditative "high" you have to eventually silence the thoughts that surface in your mind. so here you are in the physical world, meditating with a quiet mind, trying to move your awareness towards a more perfect state. as parabol ends, suddenly a huge fucking wall of sound appears. this is what it felt like to me in the few times i've been in that state- a sudden rush of overwhelming energy. you start to move up the parabola towards the top. it's not easy though- you're trying as hard as you can to stay in the moment, not loose your focus, and i think the abrasive sound reflects that struggle. at the end of the song the music to me suggests resolution- like you've finally acheived the state you were after in the first place.

p.s.- i'm not making a lot of effort to back up my opinions because to be honest i think it's pointless to have such arguements. and my interperetation is just as valid as anyone elses anyways. comments anyone?