View Full Version : try this on, see if it fits...

12-08-2003, 05:57 PM
The concept behind AEnima is simple enough if you put your mind to it. As you all (should) know by now, it is two terms conjoined together: Anima (Jungian psychology; in lamens terms it can be seen as the soul) and Enema (the injection of fluid into the anus for cleansing purposes). Now, what can be derived from this? The album should (I only say this because in my mind IT SHOULD) be seen as A CLEANSING OF THE SOUL, or in other words, self-discovery. Every single song relates to this concept in one way or another.

"Stinkfist" is a song about human civilization/modern society in general. Think about how many people, including yourselves, are in a constant state of restlessness and boredom. Pop-culture, the media, and basically every aspect of human life are constantly changing, but why? Some would argue that it is just evolution, it is the natural way that things "should be" going. To those who take that stand I must ask this question: Why, then, have tribes (The Dogons of Africa, Aborigines of Australia) maintained their culture/way of life for thousands of years without change? Why do we, the people of modern "civilization," destroy everything from the environment to ourselves while those ancient peoples live in harmony with the earth? What took natural evolution billions of years to create, it has taken modern human society a mere ten thousand years to destroy. Our culture reaps everything that it sows. How can anyone in their right mind consider this a natural way to evolve? Plainly put: IT ISN'T; every aspect of modern "civilization" is fundamentally flawed, from the way we treat each other, to the way we kill off thousands of species a day, to the way we pollute and destroy our mother earth. It is only in modern "civilization" that human beings begin to have addictions (of any kind; drugs included), mental disorders, suicides, homicides, war, etc. Sure, there has always been some sort of conflict, that is just the way that life works ("life feeds on life"), but to wage wars in the name of God or money or oil or capitalism or democracy, that is absurd and horrific.

Think about forty or fifty years ago, what types of movies were released? What music did people listen to? How did people dress and act? What was deemed normal and what was seen as "outside the lines?" All of these things and more have changed so much that people don't know what to do with themselves anymore. Human life has become meaningless; how many times have you asked yourselves what you are living for? So, what do people live for? Going to school, graduating college, getting a job only to sit in some cubicle for the next fifty years of your life so that you can get married, buy a house and car, have kids, then retire and move to Florida to die.

What do people desire the most? If you took a pole I guarentee that the results would end up being superficial objects that people neither need nor truly want. But people LIVE FOR these things: expensive cars, nice houses, boats, clothes, their own delusions of beauty and sexual arousal, drugs, toys, guns. What kind of a life are we living?? For the sake of comfort and convenience we have given up truth and meaning. We constantly allow the authorities to run our lives, telling us what to do from day one. And they maintain power and domination by keeping us preoccupied with money and greed and power and wealth. They manipulate us into thinking that we are actually happy when in truth we are all miserable and weak. And these ideas are only scratching the surface of so much more negativity and evil....all you need to do is open your eyes and the illusion will become clear. What illusion you may ask? Duality, compartmentalization, seeing the external world as being separate from us; when in truth we "are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are just an imagination of ourselves." Sound familiar?

"Stinkfist" is about rediscovering meaning and purpose in our lives. It is about saying "FUCK YOU" to everything that we are bred to believe/live for and to begin the process of personal enlightenment/evolution. It is the first step in the process of THE CLEANSING OF THE SOUL. When Maynard sings "constant over-stimulation numbs me" he's talking about the fact that nothing comes as a surprise anymore-think about the images portrayed on the idiot-box and in movies every single day: grotesque pictures of dead bodies, blood, and gore. The most important news every night is a story about houses being set on fire and murder, rape, crime, brutality. What would our great grandparents have thought about the images we see each and every day? The idea behind over-stimulation is that no matter how hard we try, we really feel nothing at all. In this chaotic world, we are lost and hopeless, we push on only to fail. Every year someone starts a new religion or group or sports team, we attempt to identify with SOMETHING above ourselves, and for moments at a time we begin to feel a connection, only to lose it just as quickly. From this endless cycle we have become frustrated, destructive, and violent. We perpetuate our own misery by continuing on this road that leads to nowhere. Once more, the idea is this: WAKE UP PEOPLE, BECAUSE HELL IS VERY VERY REAL-YOU ARE IN IT. Don't think so? What would you call it, then?

What do you think of when you hear the word "hell?" Whatever that might be, it is surely not to be taken literally-as many religious people do. Hell is here, this dimension of earth, this chaotic cycle of birth and death. The concept behind Tool's music is to end this cycle, to wake up from this nightmare and become one with all-because all life is interconnected. You are me and I am you: WE ARE ONE AND THE SAME. Whether or not you believe in Jesus Christ as being the "son of God" is not relevant for our goal, instead think of what his message was, as a person. Basically, and this is very simplistic, LOVE IS THE ROAD TO GOD, it is the path that will take us home. This is because love is the only thing that matters. Think about a world where every person was in-touch with his or her-self. Think about a world where everyone could be completely honest and open. Think about a world where human beings live in harmony with nature. This is true love, not the superficial meaning we have given it. True love is love for yourself, but it is much broader than that: it is love for all life everywhere, from the smallest micro-organism to the birds and bee, elephants and tigers, human beings and aliens. It is love for the earth and plants, trees and rocks, for everything that exists. For everything is you and you are everything. Don't you see?

"Nothing seems to satisfy, I don't want it, I just need it, to feel to breathe to know I'm alive"
Nothing that society gives us has any real meaning, it provides us with nothing more than perpetual ignorance. Maynard is saying that we should search WITHIN OURSELVES for the answers; that it might "hurt a little" at first because we have forgotten how to use our whole-brains (and have lost touch with higher aspects of ourselves), but as we continue to strive forward, the pain will ease up. Then, once that first step is finished "finger deep within the borderline" we can move on to the next step, digging a little further with a "knuckle deep within the borderline" and so on, until we reach the shoulder, at which point we have completed the entire first stage of our cleansing.

The one question that seems to remain with many of you is "how does the other person come into play?"

Do not take anything Tool says literally, instead think of everything as a metaphor....again and again throughout this album what is really being referred to is TWO SIDES OF OURSELVES. The male and female sides (i.e. Tool = male, A Perfect Circle = female); the logical and emotional sides; mathematical and artistic sides. This album is about finding a balance of the two halves of your personality in order to OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE, to become enlightened and/or reborn. You see, instead of letting your ego control you, which is something that everybody-including myself-does, this album is communicating a message about cleansing your soul so that you may (re)discover who you really are and what meaning/purpose your life has. A very important part of this is the destruction/death of the ego, which is talked about in later songs. But, as I just said, it is also about discovering/maintaining a balance: "blend and BALANCE pain and comfort DEEP WITHIN YOU." So, when Maynard sings "turn around and take my hand..I can help you turn tired (boredom = tiresome) moments into pleasure" he is talking about the other half of himself. By joining the two halves we begin to see things under a different light.

The ego, my friends, is the devil. It is not some demon sitting in the middle of our planet waiting with a pitchfork to burn us for eternity, no, it isn't. Think about your ego, which, by definition, is the aspect of our "self" that controls thoughts and behavior, especially when related to external reality. Our ego is what becomes addicted to fast food, alcohol, drugs, etc. Our ego is what threatens our security, it is what drives us to become jealous of each other. Our ego is what blinds us from what is true and meaningful. Yet, despite all of these negative things, the ego is quite tempting when it wants to be. For those of you who have experienced "bad-trips" (i.e. psychedelic nightmares), the ego is what tempts you to be afraid because it's domination/control is being threatened. It is what holds back people who meditate. It is everything that is wrong with human beings...for those of you who are religious, isn't this exactly the way Lucifer/Satan is described in the bible? Furthermore, the bible claims that we are all "born into sin." Well, we are all born with our egos, hence we immediately sin.

"There's no love in fear"

12-09-2003, 04:02 AM
nice interpretation. i agree with everything you just said. Lets just hope people will just start opening their eyes and realise that this song isnt about fisting.

12-09-2003, 12:15 PM
nice interpretation. i agree with everything you just said. Lets just hope people will just start opening their eyes and realise that this song isnt about fisting.

-Yes, but the reason I wrote this was not only to have people open their eyes to Tool's music, it goes much deeper than that. People need to wake up to the atrocities occuring each day; they need to become aware of how twisted things have really become so that we can begin a change for the better. Tool is exactly what they call themselves: A tool for personal evolution. For, if we are to ever change anything, we must first change ourselves. All change starts from the inside-out.

12-09-2003, 12:57 PM
Yes, l totally agree with you...the dissappointing part, however, is the fact that life will most likely not get much better than the way it is, but only worse. We all wish for the ideal life, a utopian society...but will it ever really happen? Probably not...Ænima portrays the cleansing of the soul (as you put it) nicely...l agree. l liked your entry, it was thoughtful, and well worded...

You get an A.

12-09-2003, 06:44 PM
Yes, l totally agree with you...the dissappointing part, however, is the fact that life will most likely not get much better than the way it is, but only worse. We all wish for the ideal life, a utopian society...but will it ever really happen? Probably not...Ænima portrays the cleansing of the soul (as you put it) nicely...l agree. l liked your entry, it was thoughtful, and well worded...

You get an A.

Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it and am very glad to hear that my writing was accepted by at least a few of you. This fact allows me to have a little more faith in humanity. But I need to ask you: if even the smallest fraction of people throughout the world began putting others ahead of themselves, don't you think that life would begin to change for the better? I don't know about you, but I try with all my will to help others to the best of my ability. If I see that someone is lost, it is my hope that I can show them a tiny bit of light; an attempt to point them in the right direction. Anybody who's eyes are open, even the slightest bit, will take a look around and see how terrible things have become. These same people are usually the ones who sit around bitching and moaning about the ignorance surrounding them. But isn't complaining about something without taking action just as ignorant as not realizing anything at all? I think so.

It is my view that people like yourselves (All4Unity and MrMan) who agree with me are the ones who need to take action. If you guys really think that things need to change, then please, start small and build from there. Helping someone with crutches cross the street, showing someone how to solve that math problem they just don't understand, picking up trash or recycling-all these things seem very little and unimportant, when in fact they are bigger than you may think. Don't you see that no matter how ignorant or stupid people seemingly are, 99% of them appreciate it when someone helps them out. Then they may or may not go out, feeling uplifted, and help one of their friends or people they know. Whether they do or not isn't important, because your actions speak louder than words; you are not only helping them you are also helping yourselves.

For as much as I can tell, you both seem like intelligent people who care about more than yourselves. So, please, don't be pessimists and simply say "well things will only get worse..." because with that attitude they will. Human beings can create whatever they feel, we have the ability to do whatever we wish to do-if we put our minds to it. So if we give up hope and lose faith in humanity, it will result in things becoming much worse. But if you look at the glass as being half full, if you realize that it isn't people who choose to be ignorant, it is not their fault that they are born into this society which perpetuates all these evils, then things can ALWAYS change for the better. In a world this horrific there must always be room for something better, something more. Modern human society is the problem-but it has only been around for 10,000 years, since the beginning of the agricultural revolution; this is the point at which things took a turn for the worse. Of course, this is a point which can be disputed, I myself do not fully agree with it, but nonetheless it is a good starting point to look back at history. But what I am trying to get at is human beings (**** sapiens sapiens) have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Things have not ALWAYS been this way, for countless years we lived in harmony/peace with ourselves and with nature. As I said before, there will always be conflict, that is just the way that the cycle of life continues. But you don't see hyenas waging war on lions just for the hell of it. Animals do not wage war on each other, they kill only out of necessity. They kill when they are hungry, when they or their young feel threatened, or when their territory is being overrun. Human beings kill in the name of whatever they choose to as a justification for the perpetual evil, but only in modern society. Things were different thus things CAN BE DIFFERENT.

We have discovered how to fly to the moon and distant planets, how to cure disease, how to irrigate crops to have enough food for centuries to come, how to become like birds and fly above all. We have enough technology that we don't even need to raise a finger anymore, the whole world of knowledge is AT OUR FINGERTIPS. Yet, all these facts set aside, we cannot figure out how to stop destroying ourselves and everything around us. If we focused all of our energy on positive things instead of how to steal the land of Iraqi's or build disasterous weapons, if we focused our creativity on how to help the world around us...we would undoubedly succeed. So please, help spread the awareness so that there can once again be a light at the end of the tunnel.

As a last note: if we don't do anything, if we remain passive, then our mother earth will take care of herself regardless of what we think. Imagine the earth as being a human body...what happens after years of smoking, drinking, drugs, bad sleeping habits, filthiness, etc.? The body will in one way or another shut down, the flame will be extinguished. Well, for ten thousand years we have been polluting the body of our mother, and in one way or another she will eventually wipe out the disease on her own. Read the lyrics of the song AEnema if you have any doubts.

12-09-2003, 07:00 PM
By the way, if any of you wish to contact me, I just realized that the email function has been turned off by the administrator. I would love to discuss Tool and life in general with anyone who is like-minded.

Email: [email protected]
alternate: [email protected]

AIM: Sepulkorn


12-10-2003, 09:03 PM
l told you what l thought of that already...wonderful.

12-19-2003, 10:10 PM
I am in awe. My jaw dropped as I read this entry. It was more like a good book that you didn't want to end then an essay. Thank you so much for putting all of my jumbled emotions into words.

01-02-2004, 04:48 PM
nice post, I found that really interesting. I have been thinkin about stinkfist in that sorta way but not worded as well as that.

forgotten not forgiven
01-25-2004, 09:40 AM
interesting, however i think we could all adapt to existentialism and come out better in the end, for the fact that as our population goes. more closeminded people are born such as Saddam Husein and are going to ruin it for all of us. if we all adapt to one philosophy, culture, life, eventually drugs will die off. life would be different for all of us life would no long be routine . every day a different way......


03-04-2004, 07:12 AM
Great interpretation. I sorta get the same idea from APC's "Pet"...

03-04-2004, 07:51 AM
There's a web-site you can go to, to read more about our theories and thoughts on things. IM me on AIM sometime if you want it.

03-05-2004, 07:21 AM
There's a web-site you can go to, to read more about our theories and thoughts on things. IM me on AIM sometime if you want it.

Was that meant for me, Think462Twice, or just anyone?

Regardless, hit me up on AIM next time you see me on. My s/n is xblackxaurax. I'd like to get the link to that site. Thank you.

03-05-2004, 08:19 AM
Great insite....way to take something to do with the album theme and totally overexpand on it. I agree that this song definatly has metaphoric meaning, but it is also about homosexual sex....plain and simple. i used to think prison sex was a metaphor for intraveinious drug use...but with listening to the song countless times...its about fucking a guy in the ass. maynard uses this to offend on purpose...he will tell you it is about anal sex.

03-09-2004, 12:52 PM
i read your post think462twice and found that i didnt have enough time to read the replies, but anyway... i'd like to say its a fucking good post, probably the best i've ever read on this site. i completely agree with everything you say, because i have known what you mean for sometime now... human society is lost, and we need to refind it, and the first place to start is within ourselves - spiritually.

03-09-2004, 07:57 PM
and now ive just read the replies and a few ideas that have been brought up sicken me, get rid of drugs? huh? why? sigh... ignorance...

03-09-2004, 10:36 PM
Sepulkorn is banned from the site...if you want to talk to him, IM him on AIM. His SN is Sepulkorn, as it says above.