View Full Version : Over and Over...

12-03-2003, 12:51 PM
Have you ever realized that on each album of Tool, the same notes are used through out most of the songs...Kind of like a base to their music?
I know that their are only so many notes on the guitar, so it is safe to say one would most likely end up using the same notes at some point... BUT...

TOOL is different-------they "mean" to use the same notes at the begining of the CD then by the end use a totally different scale, which I think is like a hint of what is to come...

The elevator sound (thats what I think it is) at the begining of the CD is like TOOL saying get ready because we have rasied the bar again, another step to are stairs, then by the end you get that Alien stuff as though their future is unknown...

I know that may thoughts are scattered and messy, but I believe when the next album comes out (in 500 years), TOOL will be using a totally new way of combining notes to raise the bar once more...

12-03-2003, 01:04 PM
We all aspire a revolutionary new album, i hope we will receive.

Corpus Christi
12-05-2003, 07:30 AM
How else would we be sucked into 93 current if our feeble minds were not being brainwashed by repetitive beats?

12-06-2003, 09:15 AM
I would say that guessing what the Tool album may represent may be a dangerous task to perform but I believe that the next album will be more like an APC cd and less hard riffs...

Look at Opiate... that was a hard, raw music with harsh lyrics (starting out)

Next Undertow... much softer and more melody (a great cd)

Then Aenima... wow, wasnt this a progression!! (so much a step in the right direction that people thought it was un-beatable)

Now Lateralus... so much more soothing; only a few "hard" songs (still so much different that people are left reborn)

In the future... Way calmer music; even more indepth about why we are here/what is my purpose??????

And I think one of the main reason that Tool and others create slower songs is that they release more personal reflections then hard songs?

12-18-2003, 10:42 PM
Alright, I wouldn't call Lateralus soft.

I agree, it did raise the bar, and here's my thoughts:

I listen to the Tool albums, and each one gets less and less conventional as you go along the chronological progression. Stupid statement.

I also listen and I think that the sound is slowly getting more and more digital, but not like techno-y digital. They're just using more effects to do different things.

Thirdly, I notice as it goes on, they don't do nearly as much screaming.

Just some thoughts, I took like a two and a half week hiatus from Lateralus and I'm letting it kick my ass after listening to The Fragile.

12-23-2003, 01:01 AM
The next Tool album for me ideally, personally, would merge the spirituality of Lateralus with the kind of unpredictability that Aenima had. To me Lateralus without lyrics is the most interesting of all Tool albums, but if only looking at the lyrics I prefer Aenima. I say that if Tool were to merge all the technical talent and attention to detail Lateralus had with less ambiguous and more meaningful lyrics like Aenima had than both worlds of Tool's music would become one, and it would be incredible. Of course, I say that in a very opinionated way because Aenima lyrics hit me as a person the most of any Tool album because of where I was at my life when I heard it...its different for everyone. And for those who can feel no signifigant attachment to any of the band's lyrics than I feel sorry for you and hope that you will one day.