View Full Version : Stinkfist to me

12-03-2003, 06:07 AM
I just joined this board so first off, hello. I read a lot of the opinions on Stinkfist and I remember thinking the same things a lot of you have mentioned. I don't know if anyone has already said this, but this is what I think it means.

I think the song is about censorship with the media. Think about it. The chours says: 'It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it, I just need it. To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive. Finger deep within the border-line. Show me that you love me and that we belong together. Relax, turn around and take my hand.'. Now, you would think its Maynard telling his female (or male) friend, 'Hey, I'm going to stick my finger in your naughty place (The Border-Line).. Show me that you love me and let me. I just need sex. I don't want it.'.... But thus, it has nothing to do with sex. The song Stinkfist is all about censorship. It's how culture pushed the limit with things on the media such as nudity and context. It's talking about how the economy keeps pushing (...'pushin.....pushin....pushin....') the limits with how far they can show things on TV (The Border-Line). And how people will see it for the first time, they get disgusted, however they still watch and if it's not there, it becomes boring ('Not enough, I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it. I just need it. To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.'). Follow? It's far fetched, yes... but new.

The Grudge
01-01-2004, 09:22 AM
Umm, i see what you mean with the censoship and everything, there are a few Tool songs regarding that, but I think this song could be plain and simple - fisting someone in the ass. Thats the obvious perception, but it could also be about love, needing to be with the person you love and wanting more and more of them. Those are just some of my thoughts. Goodbye...

01-08-2004, 07:59 PM
It very well may mean how things escelate and get progressively worse over periods of time.

01-09-2004, 08:10 AM
thats great idea, that makes alot more sense to me than other interpretations

forgotten not forgiven
01-25-2004, 08:40 AM
i like that. feels good to read something new


mr. id
01-25-2004, 10:36 PM
this is pissing me off. the fisting thing was my idea first

02-24-2004, 12:59 AM
the fisting idea is perhaps the surface idea of the song, perhaps maynard wanted to mislead us for a laugh, i think every songs have different levels of meanings.

07-29-2004, 09:15 PM
Stinkfist was the first tool song I tried to break down lyrically. To me, it is about drug addiction.

my shadow
07-31-2004, 05:28 PM
Stinkfist was the first tool song I tried to break down lyrically. To me, it is about drug addiction.
i agree when a person takes drugs such as weed to much they get used to it and then need more and move on to something heavier and they never bec0me satisfied and they need it to know they are alive, lol.

08-01-2004, 09:03 PM
i agree when a person takes drugs such as weed to much they get used to it and then need more and move on to something heavier and they never bec0me satisfied and they need it to know they are alive, lol.

Mostly my point

01-27-2005, 05:07 PM
The beautiful part of tool is that maynard has a very bizzare sence of humor. Similar to my own in the sence that I can laugh about the idea about writing a song, a single none-the-less, about fisting. Bust see after one gets past the obvious interpretation there are a million differant interpetations that one can apply to the song. Now it is interesting to read everyones own ideas about what the song is 'really about', however I think that everyone is looking into it too far. In my opinion the song isnt nessesarily about the media, or love, or drugs, or fisting-- it is more about human nature in general. Tool is very muvch about the advancement of one self through knowlege and enlightenment. Maynard is trying to warn of a horrible flaw in human emotion, if your not careful and aware of whats going on, you will never be able to get enough of a good thing because it could always be just a little better. That way of thinking will only lead to dissatisfaction in the long run. You need to take the good as it comes and enjoy it for what it is. Now Maynard being the sarcastic genious that he is, doesnt go right out and say that, he uses the rediculous and quite humerous 'anal'agy of anal fisting. It is up to the individual, how you interpret it. Is it ironic that the title of a song comonly described as being about censorship was banned on MTV?

01-27-2005, 05:13 PM
The beautiful part of tool is that maynard has a very bizzare sence of humor. Similar to my own in the sence that I can laugh about the idea about writing a song, a single none-the-less, about fisting. Bust see after one gets past the obvious interpretation there are a million differant interpetations that one can apply to the song. Now it is interesting to read everyones own ideas about what the song is 'really about', however I think that everyone is looking into it too far. In my opinion the song isnt nessesarily about the media, or love, or drugs, or fisting-- it is more about human nature in general. Tool is very muvch about the advancement of one self through knowlege and enlightenment. Maynard is trying to warn of a horrible flaw in human emotion, if your not careful and aware of whats going on, you will never be able to get enough of a good thing because it could always be just a little better. That way of thinking will only lead to dissatisfaction in the long run. You need to take the good as it comes and enjoy it for what it is. Now Maynard being the sarcastic genious that he is, doesnt go right out and say that, he uses the rediculous and quite humerous 'anal'agy of anal fisting. It is up to the individual, how you interpret it. Is it ironic that the title of a song comonly described as being about censorship was banned on MTV?

^ Just like MTV to remove the only goodness it has/had to

09-03-2005, 06:46 PM
i think this song has many levels on it, and it could mean anything depending on which one you relate to. mostly i hear it as fisting, but another depth i sometimes find is losing a virginity, not necessarily sexually, but mentally, spiritually, etc...hearing something new for the first time or trying something different. i used to be shallow and narrow-minded, but tool helped me lose my virginity, so to speak. after learning something new, you want to keep digging and pushing your borderline of black and white, until you've found what your looking for. i think maynard sings it in two different views: the one who wants to teach, and the one who is learning. but this may be just one level.

09-04-2005, 06:26 AM
I agree that this song has two levels. One of fisting. The other is about following your creator.