View Full Version : Chioces and Consequence

12-16-2002, 02:22 AM
Choices & Consequence

All throughout each of our lifetimes we are limited by choices. In words we limit ourselves to one language or many. In ideas limits are formulated as a reference to those thought before. The only thing that does not limit us is the future, but once that future is held in the present we limit it with our choices even still. Some say this is good, or else humans would go crazy, we wouldn't know what is within bounds and what is not, we would have no bearing on reality. First of all this concept of reality is ridiculous. Calling something out of touch with reality should be a compliment, with so many possibilities for other forms of reality, our "reality" is just the human conceptualized form. Furthermore the addition of the factor of time and other forms of Electro-Magnetic radiation that our senses cannot comprehend simplifies our "reality" to an elementary and primitive one. However society still believes it advantageous to live within this reality and do so with strict discipline. These are usually referred to as morals, laws, customs, religion, folkways, taboos, basically anything involving a school of discipline. Maybe because the human race has grown so accustom to being held within boundaries, the evolutionary process has ceased to be. Some of these schools of discipline can be beneficial, such as fighting disciplines, and informative disciplines that teach us about the natural world around us so we may better live on the natural earth. However these beneficial disciplines are only so when taken in in modest amounts of severity. When these are overdone and over glorified, the true path to tranquility is faded, cut, mangled and thrown away. This leaves the trends of existence to sink below on its own self-obsessed level, seldom popping up for a glance at the truth.

Different frames of mind take the human consciousness away from this conception of choices and fittings. Perhaps the key to evolution is through the use of alternate forms of inspiration with a focus on evolution and improvement and not on feeling the moment to suffice a flaw within the users self-image. It seems impossible to imagine a world with limitless choices, but when seen in a new light, things seem to be easily endless. Without an outlet such as new frames of mind to take you to that place, people who consider this usually find it impossible and frustrating to think about a state in which choices were endless and infinite all at one moment and for all future moments. Rather than choose between visualizing red yellow or blue. Every color including those that are not seen, not of the EM spectrum and everything in between, but touched with the mind. If this is so then the colors disappear and a new understanding is met. This is a simple analogy that isn't literal at all, just sort of a way to connect with the majority of "Law-Abiding" citizens.

By understanding that choices can be limitless, the idea of Babylon as Bob Marley puts it, crumbles. It seems silly to limit choices when the act of limiting these choices stops evolution of the human mind. This is not just silly, but criminal. All those higher authorities seem to have it all under control on what is right and what is wrong. What these authorities do not understand is that when a right and wrong is defined and consequences put to a society that bases their choices on consequence, you only limit the possibilities of free thinking on society. In order to transcend, this the individual must make a choice to live life free of a choice constricting environment by ignoring all that is set before him and choose for themselves. By doing so and truly practicing this idea in every facet of life, and not doing it because of any outside influence but the internal choice to stand up for this spirit of life. This gift that is so precious and short that demands to be cherished, demands to be lived with passion and courage, demands for strength of character and independence. This life that we are all living is wasted if we give it to consequence. Throw away the fire of life to the masses, appease your societal tendencies: work, buy, boast, gain, rise, possess, fuck, lie, love, belittle. Replace these social tendencies with: observe, wonder, imagine, think, evaluate, reflect, express, create, feel, transcend. Instead of giving up to a voice outside your inner spirit, follow your independence, think for yourself, make decisions not based on consequence, but on principal. It has been your instinct since you were a child to do what you wanted to do, no matter what. You would throw tantrums and not care who saw as long as you got what you wanted. Albeit these things you wanted were definitely not wise, but with good reason; you were two years old. Then you gave in at some point, each and everyone of you can probably mark the time where you gave up on your principle and gave into consequence. It most likely started when your parents threatened grounding. This grounding is just a simple form of criminal punishment just like the government has. So why give in to your parents, the government, the system, the man. You are a valid person, you have been a valid person with valid ideas since the moment you found out you existed. So why are you wasting it on pleasing a system that only cares about your obedience? Doing so in order to run their operations of rule in peace rather than turn away from their war, money, business, and most importantly their image. Start questioning at this moment why you are at the stage of life you are in, remember the fight that was in you as a young one, the courage you had to take on anything. You have been whittled down by years of social erosion. Are you children or are you independent beings, thirsting for an experience that you would be happy to live over and over again for eternity? Ask yourself, "What good have I done for **** Sapiens and the planet that breathes life into us, Earth, and all of its ecological systems? At the end of my life what knowledge will I have passed on that I can call my own? What kind of world will their be in 50 - 200 years, and did I contribute to its demise, or stand tall for its prosperous and natural continuation?


let me know what YOU think.