View Full Version : This is just the best song ever.

Well Known
12-15-2002, 04:59 PM
I remember walking about in Hot Topic (you ever been?) and hearing this song come on. I was like---out loud mind you---

"you just have to do this when this song comes on"

and then proceeded to demonstrate the appropriate mode of bodily music-translations. or whatever danny told me that time about what dancing is. that's right. i'm in contact with the band. well, not really. i'm more of a pathetic wannabe who like to brag about the couple of times we chatted at the official site and the brief period of a couple months when they posted at the forum i go to, members.aol.com/DeLL116/TOOL. call me Mannolan. Robert Mannolan.

But yeah, Intermission is a good track. i got the lyrics off this site here and practiced it on the piano while i was teaching it to myself but have since forgotten most of it. that other track...harry manback though...that one i remember. i hypothesize there's all sorts of psychological explanations for it. keep. go-ing. spi-ral-out. keep. go-ing.