View Full Version : one big sophomoric joke

03-03-2014, 05:57 PM
i think this is kind of a joke for the immature listeners of Tool.. i mean, i love acid. but ive never thought myself to be anything NEAR a firetruck under the influence (and ive done up to .4mg before).. and i was never so dumbed down that i pissed on a lighter.. i mean when i did shrooms in highschool, i thought the point was to get as "fucked up as possible" and to "get stupid"... though now i realize how idiotic that was.. it wasnt the drugs at all that made me "stupid," it was the mentality that "i have to be dumber than my peers to simply gain attention".. most of the time if your hanging out with anyone whos making loud noises and shit, or doing (seemingly intentional) stupid things when theyre high, theyre the most annoying, immature, and inexperienced people to be around..

ive also tried ecstasy, and never fucked a couch (at least not on the drug, maybe once when i was in middle school before i even tried pot lol - puberty is a motherfucker).. the most ive done on ecstasy was masturbate. and that was only slightly more fun..

drugs dont make you crazy.. its the "forbidden fruit" mentality that makes you crazy..

so to summarize, i think this is just a sophomoric song for any immature Tool fan out there.. "oh, cool! hes done drugs before! no way!! hahaha, semen and curtains dont go together!!! hes crazier than i am on drugs!!! drugs are cool!!" - grow up..

03-03-2014, 06:31 PM
listen to it again (http://alexgrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Alex_Grey_St_Albert.jpg)

03-03-2014, 09:27 PM
thats a neat picture, but i dont see how listening to it again will change my mind lol. ive listened to it countless times already.

im not trying to say i didnt used to be that immature Tool fan. how do you think i formed the opinion in the OP? the first time i heard it, i thought, "huh huh, hes singing about drugs." but now its just a song i tend to skip

03-09-2014, 09:08 PM
sorry. well you called it a firetruck ...so. not sure what you know/remember. and there is much fire in that image. hints at the whole flaming eye motif. huh huh NEAT, huh? in summation ...it would be sophomoronic to call it a sophomoric track worth skipping. try again. (http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h372/solsothis1/GIFS/mr%20show/0-Mr-Show---S3E01---Heavens-Chimney---HSNc.gif)

03-10-2014, 01:46 PM
okay.. fire engine* - same difference.. im still not sure what youre getting at. you're not making it very clear.. youre essentially just mumbling and pointing at a picture that has nothing to do with the song. youre saying im wrong without giving a reason why (even though no ones interpretation is "wrong" with any art).. but honestly, i dont care anymore.

03-10-2014, 02:29 PM
from Latin ingenium "inborn (http://youtu.be/Mq1Qb2rGQEs?t=5m42s) qualities, talent"

good. bye.

04-28-2014, 04:13 PM
well, i happened to listen to this song again today and i thought about what you were saying. maybe by "fire engine" he means something with passion.. i know after a bunch of friends of mine did acid they all thought they knew everything, and now they wont shut up about the "illuminati" even though their sources are youtube videos and wiki articles lol.. idk, input?

04-28-2014, 05:04 PM
I am afraid I can't find the information right now, but they've found that information you receive on certain drugs can be permanently imbued in your brain as more important or unique than other information. So, for example, if I were to sit down and read about a particular religion and it resonated with me on some level while in that state moreso than it would normally, I might continue to hold it in a higher regard even when I came down.

To be completely honest, I think you're looking to the wrong song to pick apart for this. If you want a song to pull apart for its mockery of certain fans, look at Rosetta Stoned.

Maynard has said, "Drugs definitely give you an alternate perspective. Your consciousness is like a radio frequency. If you turn the dial, all those radio stations are there simultaneously. You can dial in to hear what station you want to hear. Consciousness is the same way. Through meditation, you can alter that, you can come upon an alternate reality. Drugs is a shortcut to that. The trick is to really understand the medium you used to get there." If you have any friends who give you the whole, 'Oh man, listening to Tool on drugs shows you all their messages,' speech, tell them that. I'm not going to argue their music isn't enhanced by listening to it while on acid, for example--but I think it's a sign of weakness with your ability to interpret if you lean on drugs for enjoyment or interpretation of a piece.

04-28-2014, 05:47 PM
I am afraid I can't find the information right now, but they've found that information you receive on certain drugs can be permanently imbued in your brain as more important or unique than other information. So, for example, if I were to sit down and read about a particular religion and it resonated with me on some level while in that state moreso than it would normally, I might continue to hold it in a higher regard even when I came down.

that makes sense. ive had some profound experiences, myself. some that stayed with me for months. and possibly even to this day.. but maynard explains it perfectly - its like "spiritual theft". i used to take acid because i thought it would make me understand the universe (lol).. but what i noticed was that i only understood things (or at least, thought i understood those things) while i was under the influence. when i came down, i forgot most, if not all of it. i prefer to read to get back to that "place" anymore.. its a great experience (one that i recommend to anyone with a sound mind), but its not a crutch..

To be completely honest, I think you're looking to the wrong song to pick apart for this. If you want a song to pull apart for its mockery of certain fans, look at Rosetta Stoned.

actually, the reason i thought of this as a big sophomoric joke was because of rosetta stoned. i thought "well this (rosetta stoned) is clearly a joke, perhaps theyve made others like it" and looked to their older stuff for hidden cynical jokes

Maynard has said, "Drugs definitely give you an alternate perspective. Your consciousness is like a radio frequency. If you turn the dial, all those radio stations are there simultaneously. You can dial in to hear what station you want to hear. Consciousness is the same way. Through meditation, you can alter that, you can come upon an alternate reality. Drugs is a shortcut to that. The trick is to really understand the medium you used to get there." If you have any friends who give you the whole, 'Oh man, listening to Tool on drugs shows you all their messages,' speech, tell them that. I'm not going to argue their music isn't enhanced by listening to it while on acid, for example--but I think it's a sign of weakness with your ability to interpret if you lean on drugs for enjoyment or interpretation of a piece.

my brother has told me that before; that our bodies are simply like antenna and your consciousness is simply the "station". its a neat thought. and i agree, you dont need drugs to see their full message.. i even feel that if you listen to it under the influence, you might end up reading too much into something. - im speaking from personal experience, too.. - i think thats another reason i thought of this song as a joke; i didnt want to read too much into it..

anymore, i dont/wont do acid. i had some great (as well as some crippling) times, but i feel ive had my fill of it.. theres a quote i heard once: "if you got the message, hang up! you can go crazy staying on the line too long!"

04-28-2014, 06:05 PM
My life was saved by Lysergic acid diethylamide.

...and rock and roll.

04-28-2014, 06:15 PM
ZERO, THE FOOL... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKsgKCAzYRY)
don't know, won't know... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA0LnipqA80)
unconditional, w/o judgment... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4jCFmRyhGw)
TOOL NEWSLETTER MAY, 2000 E.V... (http://www.toolband.com/news/letter/2000_05.php) "Forgetting who I was for the first time in my life, just a scared little creature with a featureless body, all I could do was feel and see. That is when you know how infinite the universe is, when you have no reference point (cognition). Nothing to compare any thing to. Just a bunch of sensory data experienced by an Infant... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgK0WB6ENc)" - excerpt from a letter by a TOOL fan

behold! (http://tonyortega.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/CrowleyTheFool.jpg), the flaming pinecone. "Pine cones are symbols of eternal life because the pine tree is an evergreen. The pineal gland resembles a pine cone and was named for it. Because of the resemblance the pine cone has been held to be symbolic of the pineal gland and its functions. Both the pine cone and the pineal gland are symbols of human enlightenment, the All Seeing Eye, the third eye, the Eye of Shiva, the ‘seat of the soul’, and the internal guru known as the Eye of Knowledge. (http://symbols.dksuttle.com/tag/the-moon/)" (blame ST.ALBERT hoffman) (http://alexgrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Alex_Grey_St_Albert.jpg) lachrymology anyone?

"ENGINE" (from Latin ingenium "inborn qualities, talent")
see: "vicarious" video... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6nbNEfUkm4) 3rd eyes, rebirth, golden child
lots of FIRE in that video, which certainly makes sense... (http://www.crystalinks.com/merkabah.html)
(esp. as the sense of sight correlates to the fire element)
fractal, as above so below, squaring the circle, and so on
see (http://www.samuellaboy.com/espanol/Noveda57.jpg): great middle-flame (b/w heaven & earth) of giza

The Well, that once gave life to Me,
Hath in the Drought of Love run dry.
The Desert's Soul hath stole all Joy,
And taught the Very Muse to die.
Yet from this Cause of Vast Lament
Run tears - suffice all thirsts to quench:
Tears wept from Secret Pleasure's Eye. (http://www.toolarmy.com/toolband/lachrymology/lachrymology.php)
- Andrew D. Chumbley

04-28-2014, 07:01 PM
@ iAMtheMA! - thats filled with cryptic statements lol.. i wish i could find the book on lachrymology.. ive been meaning to read Liber al vel Legis. i have it in my room, just havent spent much time looking over it.. instead ive been reading up on sacred geometry lately. i just finished Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are from tool's reading recommendation list.

and nice music you linked in there lol. i love smashing pumpkins.

i see you linked a bunch of occultism stuff too. but i feel like there are better tool songs to associate occultism with, rather than this one. just a personal opinion... but now ive got some reading to do. thanks for the links lol

@lotus. - i gotta say, me too to an extent. i was big into weed and shrooms in highschool to get through some personal shit. then lsd and ecstasy after i graduated to try and get over it.. all while listening to tool haha. i just wish there were more honest information about psychedelics so my dad wouldnt think im just a junkie lol. though with weed becoming legal, theres psychologists, psychiatrists, and others finally starting to re-study lsd, shrooms, and ecstasy's effect on psychological trauma and PTSD.

04-28-2014, 07:05 PM
yogi DiMethylTryptamine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiqzHzAx4ro) :D

QUESTION: “I noticed that your book is no longer in the Tool shop. Is there anywhere else I might find it? Also, would you care to recommend any other books, sites, or articles relating to the release of DMT in the brain other than Strassman's? You mentioned in the SubRosa article certain frequencies attainable by meditation that might facilitate this release. I don't have the means to access an EEG device, but I have been experimenting with binaural beats and the Brainwave Generator program. Would these frequencies fall within the Theta/Delta range (<7 Hz)? This brings to mind Julian Jayne's The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind and "the veil" between the two hemispheres of the brain. A response to one or all of these questions would be much appreciated.”

REPLY: While in the process of moving, I recently found a few mint (unopened) copies of “Ijynx” and I believe they might now be in the store on the Tool site. With regard to any frequencies that act as tryptamine triggers, in a forthcoming publication I discuss a series of magical operations that were designed to ‘trick’ the brain into releasing certain endogenous tryptamines. For now, I’ll just say that the mechanics of the ritual (sonic and visualization techniques, etc.) were specifically timed to coincide with the minima of the famous eclipsing binary star ALGOL (Beta Persei), and involved the Operator projecting one’s self into the astronomical constellation “Triangulum.” However, along with the instructions comes a warning about ‘tampering’ with the autonomic nervous system, and how the greatest precautions should be taken (remember what Crowley cryptically wrote in “LIBER LI” – “If you pay sufficient attention to your heart, you will make it palpitate.”)

BMB (http://www.toolband.com/news/letter/index.php?t=1&id=21)

04-28-2014, 07:07 PM
yogi DiMethylTryptamine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiqzHzAx4ro) :D

great movie haha. another great chemical

EDIT: to link a website ive been reading from lately as well: http://vaczy.dk/

its just someones blog or whatever, but he gets into music being a spiritual force rather than just a physical one.

another EDIT: just saw what you added to that post. thats neat. i gotta start reading the newsletter. i didnt realize it was that interesting lol

04-28-2014, 07:38 PM
have you checked out the title page at toolband.com? there's a tiny, redish(purple?) elusive fuzzball floating below the rectangle(golden?) that has some good stuff (for those with eyes to see) ...including the idea that "the joyful guide to lachrymology" book by ronald p. vincent (dna cloven print) - although supposedly real - is not really something you can get your hands on.

04-28-2014, 08:19 PM
yeah ive read that page. i didnt know that you could get to it by clicking that, i got there by googling "lachrymology"... that little fucker was tough to click too lol

thats a bummer that its not being sold elsewhere.. i thought they were gonna try to get the rights to sell it on the tool site?? idk. it would be neat to see

05-05-2014, 11:00 AM
They did sell it for a while, I got a copy of it back in the early days of Tool Army. I'm continually confused by how the Google algorithm blocks people's ability to find copies online of the book.

05-05-2014, 02:40 PM
maybe because its not registered as a real word. ive spent hours looking for it and just eventually gave up.

sophia rose
05-20-2014, 03:50 AM
hahah great movie keep it up..

09-23-2014, 01:54 PM
Well now.. ^^