View Full Version : autobiographical?

12-13-2002, 10:07 AM
Do you think "Prison Sex" is based on Maynard's experience with child abuse, if in fact he has experienced child abuse? Thank you!

12-29-2002, 11:22 PM
I read in an article that it was semi-biographical from Maynard's perspective, but I have yet to read an interview where he says it. Anything that isn't a quote from them I will remain skeptical on.

However, I have heard Maynard say in interviews that all the members had "normal, uneventful" childhoods. I think "abuse" would count as abnormal and an event.

12-31-2002, 08:19 AM
Possibly then somebody close to him?

I certainly do not think that maynard himself has abused someone "young and vestile"...

then again, maybe "uneventful" could also mean "I haven't killed anyone.". Everyone has something bad happen to them, it's not like "as good as it gets". No one has "good times and noodle salad" their whole lives.

For example, while I wasn't really molested or anything as a child, I did have some abuse from family (they threw lawn darts at me, but that is another story), and I saw a guy shot dead by a police officer. All this, and I grew up in a town of pop. less than 2000. While this is probably not maynard's story, I'd guess it was someone he knew.