View Full Version : My Interpretation of D/R/T

04-06-2012, 07:45 AM
For me these songs represents life and I almost feel like Lateralus sort of belongs and I'll explain why, this song has many meanings but when I listen to all four it represents birth, "black and white are all I see, in my infancy, red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see" Metaphorical of how simple everything is before birth "red and yellow" is metaphorical of life after birth. "Spiral out keep going" to me this line represents birth itself.

Disposition for me represents the beginning of life, "Watch the weather change" to me this is metaphorical of how a baby would watch helplessly as the world "weather" changes. This is the most relaxed and peaceful song of the three because life is simple at this point.

Reflection starts off rather quiet and mysteriously, this represents the point in life in which one begins to become more aware and questions many aspects of life, "Defeated I, concede and, move closer, Ii may find comfort here, I may find peace within the emptiness, how pitiful" This represents looking for answers. The song seems to "mature" and this to me represents the point in life in which answers have been found. To me the end of Reflection represents the end of life.

When I first heard Triad, I felt it didn't belong, it just sounded so different but then I started to hear it. For me this song is probably the most dark and ominous song on the album and it's always had a very primal feel to me. This song to me represents the afterlife, there are no lyrics because nobody knows what happens in the afterlife, it sounds so different because it is different while Disposition and Reflection are about life Triad is about the afterlife, but it belongs nonetheless and I feel like it's the perfect ending.

That's just what I hear when I listen to D/R/T, it is probably my all time favourite Tool composition, all of the songs flow perfectly into each other and tell an incredible story.

07-24-2012, 09:09 AM
Interesting that you say that triad is representative of afterlife because the last lyrics of Reflection are "before I pine away"