View Full Version : healing

11-02-2003, 04:56 PM
This songs is coming from the perspective that we are not who we thinks we are. we believe that we are our thoughts and our feeling. are truest sense of self is our soul. Whom chooses to be here. Why? to heal. Heal what? who we believe we are. Are truest sense of self is patient, humble, kind, gentle, loving, strong, ect. If you are inpatient then that is one of the lessons that you have chosen in this life time to heal. You may never learn this lesson in this life time but you will get as many lifetimes you need to finally learn it. That why he says that the pain is just an illusion. Because while you may feel like your inpatient the truth is you just believe you are. When he says Alive that is how you feel after you have gotten through your most major of lessons. People refer to you as deep. Or real