View Full Version : Gotta see 'em!!!!

08-13-2011, 12:40 AM
New to the forums - whole site, actually. Haven't yet seen Tool live, something I kick myself in the a** for to this day & a luxury that shouldn't have been taken for granted (Thanks, hindsight!)

Tool lover from first song heard (sometime mid 90's, I guess) - constantly hoping they'll tour, with a stop in NJ. Even the East Coast... who am I kidding... if it's in the U.S. - I'm there!!!

So far, only a daydream where the kick-a** event/memory should be. Existing briefly in time within the same venue... all my senses absorbing the unF'nbelievable ear, rhythm & soul candy.

Personally, I feel I cannot die before seeing Danny Carey strike, connect, strike, connect, strike, connect... shaking the entire place, each connect thumping right through my chest!!!

Any solid info available on will they, won't they, when they...? Jones'n...

Appreciate your eyes on my text... C~