View Full Version : Full Circle

10-06-2010, 07:49 AM
To really get this song, one must understand the true nature of sexual abuse and why it is so prevelant in the world today. Then one would understand why it is such a brilliant metaphor (while simultaniously remaining quite literal) as to the current state of all Creation.

What is truly sad, and extremely frightening to me, is how this process has affected both sides of the war. It would seem that many of those whom we raped in the past (both literally and metaphorically) are now the rapists (come full circle). We see this over and over again in the cases that pass through our "civilian" (yet actually maritime) courts, and we see this in ourselves and each other in every action we take that victimizes someone else in an attempt to sieze control and power as a way out of our sense of victimization.

Worst of all, it seems that everyone I know of who is actively combating the Opposition at this time was once a part of it, were once the rapists, myself included. While I am truly elated to see some of my brothers and sisters have fallen out of love with the Darkside, as I also did many lifetimes ago, and are now championing the cause of Father (and it is far easiser to return to the light than any of the others imagine), I can not but ask, "Where are the many who once fought against us? Why are we the only ones on this field with sword in hand, to stand against the cause that we ourselves once championed?

The answer to my question is that they have, by now, fallen as well. They have become themselves prisoners raping prisoners, even if it is only by their choice to now do nothing at all.

10-06-2010, 09:17 AM
lol, what the fuck are you on?

Master Roshi
10-06-2010, 10:20 AM
Whatever everyone else in the albums section is on. Jesus Christ.

10-06-2010, 11:17 AM
everyone is on Jesus Christ?

10-06-2010, 12:38 PM
actually, no, I would sooner be parted from my cock than be on jesus christ. Not worth the money at all......

10-06-2010, 01:18 PM
Whatever everyone else in the albums section is on. Jesus Christ.

Well Roshi, I hope that you are as amused by me as I am by you. For a "master" you seem to understand very little about reincarnation. Thus is the limitation of a being a cartoon.

(Bye the way, Vegeta would have taken Roshi and made him his bitch..........)

Master Roshi
10-06-2010, 07:33 PM
lol. Reincarnation.

next youre going to tell me you can part the red sea.