View Full Version : Mutation Theory

12-10-2002, 04:44 PM
Like mentioned in other threads, we all have 46 chromosomes, and any extra (&2) would cause a mutation (down's syndrome for example). However, there has also been talk of two extra chromosomes being part of evolution. I think Maynard is mixing these two theories in Forty-Six & 2.

The shedding of skin, scabs, and crawling could repsent a mutation happening, and Maynard expresses that he WANTS the mutation to happen. Possibly because he believes that it will bring him to another, more developed, level of being and thinking.

The lyrics "(looking) For a piece to cross me over" also support my theory. There is a stage called "crossing over" that can happen during meiosis, where a piece of one chromosome breaks off and connects to the adjacent chromosome. This causes us to look different than our brothers and sisters.

*I realize any mutations involving chromosomes happen at birth. It's a song however, and I don't think it has to be completely accurate with real life.

12-10-2002, 04:53 PM
well, we have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 normal, and 1 sex pair.. hence 44&2. now, adding more pairs would not really do anything beneficial. all apes and monkeys have 46&2 chromosomes. humans are the only primates that are different.

genetics is an interesting field of study, i wish i knew more than i do.