View Full Version : static triad

oscar the cat
12-09-2002, 12:44 AM
i've been reading gurdjieffs fourth way and i came across a diagram called the "static triad" which is a diagram that shows the levels of progress in the system. the first level is of ordinary man and shows: body/essence, false personality, and hundreds of "I"s in a triangle......anyway, maybe dispostition could be talking about man's disposition....as far as he is mechanical from the start.......and then reflection goes into talking about shedding the ego....or false personality.....and triad......anyway i don't know if it has anything to do with the song.....but there may be a connection. the fourth way is on tool's suggested reading list....which is why i started reading and it's really involved but even if you don't get into the system it's worth reading.

El Deano
12-09-2002, 10:38 AM
Tools reading list? Whats this?

Interesting theory by the way.

12-09-2002, 10:55 PM
The TOOL reading list is located in the Community section of this site. Once there you'll see the link.

12-10-2002, 09:25 PM
Interesting idea, I've given some of the reading material on the list a try but found it just like you said "involved...". Not that it's going to stop me reading it, when I find the time.
I once tried reading up on "saturn asscending..." and got some big report by some doctor/philosopher and Pythagoras' triangle to go with it. I'll get around to reading these things for now, but for now I'll just keep bullshitting with my superficial theories (refer to thread 'd/r/t as a whole')
I do think your theory as a whole may have some good concepts in it that Tool used in Disp/Refl/Triad...