View Full Version : progression

12-07-2002, 11:00 AM
this song is about a glorified E to G progression. its always interesting how many variations one can apply to a simple chord progression. Notice also that maynard gets in on the E - G fun during the solo. Just before the solo, when he says "...back the way it ought to be," he holds out the word 'be' so that he is effectively saying, "EEEEEEEEE." This he holds during the 4 measures of E, and he drops out once the song goes to G. Also, i saw a live version of the song where he began to hold, "EEEEE" again once the solo went back to E after 4 more measures. I think you can kind of hear this on the album as well.

porcelain anima
12-11-2002, 06:13 PM
hey that's cool I wouldn't even have noticed... well i guess i would have eventually since i'm so anal about music and details having said that it's E to G to D not to criticize or anything