View Full Version : Communication and embracing chaos

06-18-2008, 01:35 PM
The first time I listened to this song I didn't have the lyrics, but even after reading them I still like to rely on my first impressions. One thing I love about this album is that many of the songs seem to fit together, and it's a process of learning more about oneself by embracing others.

I never thought this song was about a romantic relationship necessarily. I think that is one way of looking at it, but it can also talk about human interactions in general, whether it's between friends, family, or even whole countries.

As mentioned in Forty-Six & 2, there is a popular philosophy that all people are connected by "one mind" (mentioned in Reflection), and in my personal opinion I see this as the separation of people desiring to go their selfish ways and not make amends or seek to understand those who are different. The point of view of the song is from someone trying to find a common way of thinking with those around him, to get back that experience of wholeness. But people just want to "point the finger" and blame others without keeping an open mind.

This verse is perhaps the most beautiful in the song:

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
And the circling is worth it.
Finding beauty in the dissonance.

Perhaps in this verse is about accepting the chaos in human communication and realizing that one can never be perfectly attuned with another, but appreciating others' differences and trying to make one's relationships work.

It's another brilliantly complex song from MJK, and everyone can relate to it in some way. We don't necessarily have to find out what it means to him to enjoy it.

06-24-2008, 08:37 PM
I agree 100%. I was actually going to post something just like this. I've been reading a book called Children of the Law of One, and they break apart all the biblical allegories, the the Adam and Eve one. They believe its a common misconception that the story of Adam and Eve had to do with creation, when it was more about how our selfish ways led us to separation.

I've mentioned before the importance of him stating lovers/brothers in the official lyrics. I'll repost it here.

06-24-2008, 08:41 PM
I think its interesting that Maynard specifically typed "lovers/brothers" in for the "Between supposed....." in the official lyrics.

The Lovers card in the Tarot deck is also called the Brothers card. The Major Arcana represent a division from Universal Spirit, and the path to returning to it. While I'm well aware of the tribulations with the band at the time, it seems like another example of Maynard writing something personal while referencing something on a larger scale, or simply relating to something that reveals more depth of the song.

Here is one of the many interpretations of the Lovers Card:
"The Lovers card is the card to look out for in your readings; it represents a time of choice and dilemma that could have a significant impact on your life.

You may be faced with a choice between suitors or lovers, or whether to stay in a relationship/marriage or leave, and when it comes to affairs of the heart, knowing which is the right choice can be very difficult indeed. "

It seems to coincide.


06-26-2008, 11:14 AM
I agree 100%. I was actually going to post something just like this. I've been reading a book called Children of the Law of One, and they break apart all the biblical allegories, the the Adam and Eve one. They believe its a common misconception that the story of Adam and Eve had to do with creation, when it was more about how our selfish ways led us to separation.

I've mentioned before the importance of him stating lovers/brothers in the official lyrics. I'll repost it here.

That's a very interesting interpretation of the Adam and Eve story. I'm sort of interested in learning about different religions/spiritual beliefs and have a book about different holidays and how many Christian holy days are related to pagan spiritual celebrations.

It doesn't even matter if one specific event in MJK's life inspired him to write those lyrics. To me, they are the most significant about human society and mean something different every day. I believe MJK has said that people really don't know how to communicate with each other anymore (one reason he's making his wine--to bring people together). It's a subject we all can relate to, so it's become my favorite Tool song.

Another line that interested me in the song was about "Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion." There's so much apathy and selfishness in the world today, and very few people really have empathy or care for others. So that strikes me personally too.

07-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Another line that interested me in the song was about "Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion." There's so much apathy and selfishness in the world today, and very few people really have empathy or care for others. So that strikes me personally too.

I love this line as well but my take on it is that it means that if you don't communicate your differences, opinions, wants or needs (cold silence) it only lends itself to further disintegration of the communication between the parties which, in turn, would obviously "atrophy the compassion" they would have previously had for one another.

07-01-2008, 12:31 PM
one thing good about this song is it helped maynard stick with tool, i have heard him say that it gave him motovation on staying in the music industry and with tool

07-02-2008, 05:13 AM
one thing good about this song is it helped maynard stick with tool, i have heard him say that it gave him motovation on staying in the music industry and with tool

Not necessarily, in the Revolver Tool issue he states that this song was in one sense about the breakdown of communication within the band at a certain point, especially right after Aenima. However, on a broader scale it can be perceived as any sort of relationship.

07-02-2008, 08:07 AM
Keenan: The song "Schism" is very significant for me. It
came out a month before September 11, and the second
verse says, "I know the pieces fit cuz i watched them tumble
down/ no fault, no one to blame, it doesn't mean i don't
desire to point the finger/blame the other/watch the temple
topple over/to bring the pieces back together, rediscover

When Tool was on the brink of breaking up, it was our ability
to communicate with each other that saved us."

so in a way this song did help

07-02-2008, 08:34 AM
Keenan: The song "Schism" is very significant for me. It
came out a month before September 11, and the second
verse says, "I know the pieces fit cuz i watched them tumble
down/ no fault, no one to blame, it doesn't mean i don't
desire to point the finger/blame the other/watch the temple
topple over/to bring the pieces back together, rediscover

When Tool was on the brink of breaking up, it was our ability
to communicate with each other that saved us."

so in a way this song did help

Apparently you're completely misreading it. It wasn't the SONG that helped, the song is ABOUT the breakdown of communication and how they came back together by learning how to compromise with one another and rediscover that they all ultimately had the same goal even though they had their own personal angles and opinions.

07-02-2008, 12:28 PM
thats why i said "in a way" it is about what helped them stick together, communication

07-02-2008, 01:19 PM
thats why i said "in a way" it is about what helped them stick together, communication

Reread your post, you said "in a way, the song helped" NOT "in a way, the song is ABOUT what helped them"

Elementary dear Watson, Elementary

07-02-2008, 05:41 PM
hey, we all cant write everything that we are thinking perfectly, can we? no, you get my basic point though even if i messed up when writing

07-03-2008, 07:09 AM
hey, we all cant write everything that we are thinking perfectly, can we? no, you get my basic point though even if i messed up when writing

Yeah, I gotcha'...just giving ya' a hard time

07-03-2008, 01:56 PM
Yeah, I gotcha'...just giving ya' a hard time

i compleatly understand, doing that to people can be quite fun sometimes

07-07-2008, 05:03 AM
i COMPLETELY understand, doing that to people can be quite fun sometimes

/fixed....simple word

07-07-2008, 10:54 AM
oops... whatcha gonna do, accident plus i am mostly german english is my second language