View Full Version : Just a couple of thoughts

Exhale till it hurts
05-14-2008, 06:59 PM
i was watching this video the other day and i thought of a few things
first, those worm things, brandy and mandy, they might represent the Anima and the Animus of the man, Geoff. I dont have much to base that on, but when i thought of it, it made see the video in a new different light.

Another thing that caught my attention that i didnt give much thought too earlier is the placement of all the eyes.
the galaxy has an eye in the center
the planet has an eye and the desert appears to be on the inside of the eye
X has eyes on his head and hands
the worm things inside him have eyes
and the bug an eye

an eye is where light comes into your body
so light comes into the galaxy,
eventually makes it to the planet (i imagine the sun would be an eye too)
the light comes into X
and the light moves deeper into X to his innermost parts
the same light that goes into X also goes into the bug
so we are all connected
we all have good and bad inside of us

i doubt this is anything like what adam's point was, but it's an interesting way for me to look at it

does that make any sense so far?

05-15-2008, 02:49 AM
maybe the video is just about metapyhsical aspects of photosynthesis?

05-24-2008, 05:38 PM
I like your discovery of the idea of both good and evil exist in all of us. I too believe that.

05-26-2008, 03:27 PM
Its the potential that we have not the action. Love and hate, good and evil are simply results of our actions. We need to be aware that our intension is what defines our actions.

Also very good perspective on the video. Adam may have had a different idea but both come to the same conclusion in the end.

Exhale till it hurts
05-27-2008, 01:20 PM
you're completely right fnshmetal
good and evil are just results of our actions
for example, someone full of hate could channel it in a way that good things are produced
or, someone full of love could channel it in a way thats completely destructive and could be viewed as evil, such as killing for love
but i think the video has a larger emphasis on how we are all connected
when X looks into the mirror, he sees a bunch of him, but they seem strangely disconnected, but when he looks next to him, there's another X figure there just as real as him

05-27-2008, 04:36 PM
Brandy and mandy?


Does any of you find this a coincidence;

Each eye-creature has a color, one is red and one is blue. When i saw the "Parabol/Parabola" video once more i noticed that in the last scene, when the leaf turns into the flaming eye and divides itself in two, one of them is also red and the other one blue. You can see it just before they start to swirl across X's body.

What is the meaning of the color red/blue in this?

05-29-2008, 09:11 AM
Red could rerpesent the inside vision, blue material vision, or vice versa

05-29-2008, 09:55 AM
Red could rerpesent the inside vision, blue material vision, or vice versa

Not bad... It could explain why they choose separate ways at 4:22 min.

05-29-2008, 12:34 PM
Red could rerpesent the inside vision, blue material vision, or vice versa

The color blue which is the color of the one coming out of the left eye (right brain) represents the chracteristics of right brain thinking. Red means the oppoisite in the sense that it relates to the linear thought processes of the left brain.