- Lateralus Artwork
- Somesort of Analysis (espaņol)
- Art inspired by Lateralus
- Art
- lateralus merchandise..
- Dean Chamberlain
- Innocent X: Painting With Light
- The Hidden 'God'
- Just a quick thought...
- saw-blade eyes
- Dark Matter
- A L E X G R E Y : nirvana
- Easy
- Transparent art
- Colors
- new TOOL logo . . .
- chakras; or, why has this not been mentioned? . . .
- the "lateralus" man smokes . . .
- L_a T_e R_a L_u_s
- Wow, I feel stupid
- open the flow
- alex gray & psytrance
- Lateralus-- the artwork and the title track
- Lawnmower Man
- hidden words
- Spiritualism
- Back of the Cd
- The artwork on the CD (not the cover or the booklet)
- looking into the sun
- My interpretation
- my interpretation
- lateralus font
- Third Eye
- Chakras
- Poe, Sumer, and Our Solar System
- Idea of what the last page of the booklet represents.
- favorite tool logo/album art??
- The sleeve as a skin
- binary numbers?
- New Thought for Lateralus liner notes
- The best Tool photo
- Disposition Reflection Triad
- Burning Eye......
- A New Tree of Life anyone.
- So who Agree's?
- Ever have any visions or dreams about the band?
- God In The Brain
- 4 Deaths of Lateralus MAN
- Math and Tool connection
- chakras
- Krishna
- album booklet
- tool collage
- Alex Grey Tattoo
- Meaning to liner notes
- Numbers on cd
- Alex Grey
- Circle of Flaming Eyes?
- Cover Slip
- Amuse and amaze yourself with this. ( Itīs something totally new about the coverart)
- tid bits and pieces
- Lots of fanart...abstract - inspired mainly by this album
- Amazingly interesting duscovery
- spiritual symbolism in the liner notes
- Pigmy Love and Lateralus
- bottle opener thing
- tool, god, aliens
- cd dots
- German Text in Album Cover
- Alex Grey's Explaination Of Lateralus Artwork!!!
- Does anyone know how to use this?
- finally found it...
- U gotta see this
- The Flaming Eye log meaning anyone??
- Is my copy the rarest of rare??
- im confused
- Maynard's artowrk
- Lateralis on Vinyl
- Question about Lateralus's Album art...
- Signed Lateralus Gallery
- Did anyone else get a messed up booklet?
- Adam's artwork
- Signed Lateralus Gallery Update
- New Lateralus Cover (mini) on cdnow
- alex grey video
- "GOD"
- In search of Vajra
- Have i been ripped off
- FUCKIN foreign versions!
- Interesting
- Are there different covers of the Lateralus CD?
- Where in the hell is god?
- Burning Eyes Question.......
- burning eye in a hand...
- where to get tool art
- excuse me if this has been discussed before
- Does anyone have a good picture of the vajra+the open lotus?
- Transparency puzzle
- Depth Perception
- Fifth layer: can you see the word god too?
- Third Eye
- The illuminated circle in the throat = communication
- Layers = DMT Trip
- Alex Grey's Chainsaw of Eyes
- Artwork and chakras