- ---
- The Eggs of Satan
- Conformity Speech
- putty mind
- pink floyd reference
- und keine eier
- first few are confused
- Song Placement
- Anyone heard this live?
- Context and Ignorance
- an example of ignorance.
- Anyone Ever Made the Recipe?
- Is Maynard a nazi?
- maynard+mushrooms=die eier von satan
- Adolf Hitler - 1 Testicle
- remaking yourself
- A followup to Message to Harry Manback?
- amusing interlude
- translation
- Tool's dark sense of humor
- its a fact
- do you know who voice sings this
- perhaps the meaning?
- there are no eggs
- Why Does German=Nazi???
- The way I see it...
- Nazis
- Nonsense Worlds?
- something else
- The recipe
- The magic words...
- the lyrics within...
- maynard makes good cookies
- The magic words translated
- i wonder
- German dosn't equal Nazi
- Allright, here's the deal with the words...
- I think this song could be about...
- Is Tool Nazis?
- great interpretation
- I don't get it
- the whole point of this track
- Review
- blair's advice
- Simsaladim
- Meaning?
- I have a question.
- So, why no eggs?
- Die Eier von Satan video
- Has anyone made these?
- The Song that got my attention
- Die Eier Von Satan Video
- Shit all over my balls!
- Tool Ruins Industrial Music
- Good to use assignment help if you are overloaded