- Does Anyone Know..?
- LŽAmore
- First 18 Seconds
- Stranglehold
- Crawl Away out of line?
- This is my love for you...
- Complete lyrics
- For those down under, Melbournians in particular
- ANyone else her it?
- Yo
- different version
- The first 20 seconds
- Anyone Know the 'deeper meaning'?
- good song, my thoughts.
- Weird music
- love sucks
- Crawl away...
- best segment
- Crawling away
- mondegreen at beginning of "Crawl Away"
- mondegreen at beginning of "Crawl Away"
- I have a hard-on for you.
- Badass Mentality
- something finally happens to me
- just another break up song
- my meaning
- in the mind of a selfish person
- Rain Dance?
- Has Tool played Crawl Away post '98?
- Hidden music at the begining
- HIDDEEN MUSIC at the begining of Crawl Away....
- Best Song on Undertow
- Crawl Away Demo audio on 72826
- andean folk music video
- Crawl Away Cover
- I can see your back is turning
- Fiesta de mi Pueblo