View Full Version : 09. Intension

  1. mandala pad?
  2. Eon Blue Apocalypse
  3. The tabla on this track is great
  4. No quarter
  5. Dispositionish
  6. electronics!!!!!111oneone
  7. ha, ha HA
  8. Intension- an attempt at an intergrative analysis.
  9. 3:50 in
  10. Is it just me?
  11. Intro Whispers
  12. Bass/Guitar harmonics
  13. This is going to get flamed.
  14. Disposition, Reflection, Intention
  15. I. Am. In. Love.
  16. just a long segue into right in to???
  17. tabs for Intension
  18. Vocals
  19. Intension. Amazing
  20. King Crimson
  21. Break Beats
  22. Help me out
  23. 4:44 & synchronicity
  24. Intension + Milkdrop = Amazing
  25. Beginning Ambience
  26. Oh so critical
  27. tin is neon
  28. Alchemy-
  29. here's what i can play of this song so far on the guitar
  30. Grudge/Intesnsion -- "stone" correlation??
  31. Great song, Misplaced on the album?
  32. Is Justin using a fretless?
  33. My Theory
  34. Tool is no longer aggressive enough.
  35. Intro sounds like Rush-"By Tor And The Snow Dog" from 1975
  36. A Welcome Interlude
  37. what the bleep do we know?
  38. most beautiful music tools ever made
  39. sweeping glass
  40. Tabla 2:07-3:52
  41. The beginnings of life?
  42. The whispers!
  43. Aleister Crowley and Thelema: "True Will"
  44. A couple guitar parts tabbed
  45. Eon Blue Apocalypse
  46. following RS
  47. fits right in with lateralus trilogy
  48. 4:40 bass-guitar question
  49. Intension
  50. Perspectives
  51. An Overlaping Theory
  52. Intension/Right in two
  53. OIUJA board song
  54. Intro
  55. What other artists have music similar to this?
  56. Creation, Big crunch, Purity?
  57. 1:20
  58. Conspiracy theory bullshit
  59. Reverse the Intro
  60. Revised track order
  61. Sounds like Pushit from Salival
  62. The Backwards Lyrics!
  63. birth
  64. How do you get someone to like this song?
  65. Mistur
  66. female/male duality
  67. Nature vs. nurture
  68. electronic percussion
  69. Move by will alone...?
  70. Eon Blue Apocalypse Part II
  71. intention...
  72. tool's tool for ascension?
  73. drumming?
  74. Gather, place, a race
  75. Intension is a great song (Tool's aggression is surface level)
  76. Intension= Evolution 101
  77. Definition
  78. A lot more than just "Listen to me..." in the beginning
  79. The Sucking Sound
  80. Human Conciousness
  81. it took me a while to really feel like i get this one, and here's why
  82. (long, but hopefully worth it)
  83. Lucifer and Free Will (FOL related)
  84. Intension Lyrics and Justification
  85. UFO sound ??
  86. In tension eternally
  87. Could Intension be 10,000 Days' Disposition?
  88. Why hasn't this been played live?
  89. New thoughts on what Maynard is singing..
  90. Pure as we begin
  91. Connections to Literature/Film
  92. Hand drums -- electronic drums
  93. Thought follows Attention. Attention follows INTENSION.
  94. cycles of existence
  95. Out of sheer curiousity...
  97. The Whispers
  98. TOOL vs Dream Theater
  99. Epic Binding Pose
  100. lyrics
  101. possible lyric change?
  102. Evolution, Intelligence and Consciousness
  103. Art inspired by Intension
  104. Moved by will alone.
  105. SUN
  106. Puscifer..?
  107. talking in the back of the whispers
  108. Intension of a Grudge